
@OMGLX: You, my good sir, win.

Newsletter = signed up for!

@RockyRan: This episode of Icons is on the MMAC disc. Somewhere in the special features section (I couldn't tell you the last time I popped this game in my gamecube) they have the video.

@Brian Crecente: Pssh, you don't have to apologize to me. I'm just trying to help.

Uhh...isn't this yesterday's TAY pic?

@RockyRan: The episode is ON the anniversary collection. And they didn't MENTION the DS, but I swear I saw a logo in the background for less than a second once.

@RockyRan: This video is actually on the Mega Man Anniversary Collection game on GCN/PS2/XBOX.

So I guess we have to wait until next summer until PS3 owners get the DLC as well? Might as well just wait for the inevitable GOTY edition that we all KNOW is coming.

Dammit all Square Enix. Just make up your mind already. I don't care that it's coming to 360 too. I probably won't get this game either. I've been pissed of at the FF games since 10. I'm done with them.

@battra92: That's my little bro and his date hahaha. Ohhh high school.

This is just a repost from the Angry Birds on Android thread. Also, putting it in #speakup

I thought it was really cute.... It's not like Namco was calling them out on being terrible or anything. They were saying Congratulations!

@ps61318: Should I repost this on TAY, speak up, or the nightly posts? I posted it on Twitter (@darthvader RT'd it and it now has over 10,000 views) but I couldn't think of a way to relate this to gaming on Kotaku. You think I could sneak it by like on this topic, ask for Android apps?

Just got a brand new Android phone last week - the R2D2 Droid2. This will be my first game. Can I get some help with a list of MUST HAVE Apps?

@njdevil: Come on guys, it's NASA. They can do it.

Just in time for my mother's birthday!

Ugh...I want to post something now about the podcast...but I haven't listened to it yet so I can't comment on anything you talk about! What will I dooooo?????

I have the Yoshi game on NES, not Cookie. Probably isn't nearly as expensive lol. No adventure mode, just the wonderful wonderful puzzle game.

While I do believe that zombies really are getting overdone, I don't think that R* is half-assing it. They'll at least go all out on this.