
@MichaelPalin: Yeah...I don't understand what's supposed to set this game apart from anything else. All they've really talked about before is character customization.

Title. I get it. It's a Ryan thing.

I won't be going at midnight (for reasons I am not allowed to discuss yet) but I will DEFINITELY post pictures. Will there be a dedicated page to post pictures on Tuesday?

I'm totally retweeting this. And digging it. And whatever social media outlet I can put this out on.

@Archaotic: It has the potential to be even cheaper than that. Let's break it down:

Do the Move and the subcontroller sync to the PS3 as two separate entities? Having all those things synced together could be a possible answer why the PS3 has 7 Bluetooth slots.

What they needs is this type of bundle:

Question for anyone about Penny Arcade on the PSN:

I see people have mentioned it but haven't put the right #correction

@Adhominem: That was before and after the Great PS3 Blackout of 02.29.10.

@Evdor: A true first-person Tiger Woods game would require another peripheral and an M rating.

Okay. I'm sure that we'll find out what it ACTUALLY is tonight at the Press Conference. Stop teasing us already!

@fuchikoma: I don't care about the legitimacy of the item itself. It's the fact that Clank is their mascot.

I think it sounds like a stupid idea. The DS has quite the wifi connectivity setup process and not to mention the current DS models have terrible battery life. The battery use is up again because being constantly connected to the internet again!

I really think that music games have reached the oversaturation point. No one really cares anymore! We've moved beyond the cooler factor and now that everyone has all these plastic instruments lying in the corner collection dust, no one wants to get up and play anymore. It's a party game, but MW2 has kinda taken over

So I was on the plane reading the usual SkyMall magazine looking at overpriced things that would be awesome but I will never get. One thing caught my attention. The "Stealth iBot" from Brickhouse Security. I saw an interesting picture in the magazine. I went to their website. This is what I found.

I really think that this sort of ultra-HD stylized 2D should be focused on more now that we have this technology. I mean, that looks like a freakin' professional cartoon! It's not that I don't like 3D at all, it's just that concepts like this prove that 2D isn't anywhere CLOSE to dead yet, or at least stagnate.

Now playing

Time to shamelessly plug my YouTube channel!