Is that the official boxart? For a while it's been the default with a disclaimer "NOT FINAL ARTWORK" on every display. Do we know now?
Is that the official boxart? For a while it's been the default with a disclaimer "NOT FINAL ARTWORK" on every display. Do we know now?
@Kiaza: Well, the theory of "competition makes the customer always win" is always a good mantra to follow. There are a lot of good system exclusives along with cross-platform games to provide a healthy mix. Once console could, although make development easier, stagnate development and creativity because people have a…
I think that the big thing to note here is that roughly 23% of the Japanese people own a DS. If you go onto a subway, statistically there will be one every 4 people or so.
I don't think it will be available for a while...the Apple website hasn't said anything AAAAND the Apple Store isn't down for update.
Well, here we go! The most exciting part of my day!
@LiQuid!: Ooohhhh....
@LiQuid!: What are you talking about? It updates on the fly for me. The only time I have to refresh the page is if I feel like seeing what the Kotaku readers said.
Son of a....the Kotaku-cast starts at the same time as the Apple event.
@Mokka: 1PM Eastern
Am I the only one who thought
Three of my friends just got the game at the midnight launch (they got the Beta for preordering it). I played the beta with access given to me from
See? SEE? Video games make kids violent! Just look at it! Grand Theft Auto, Manhunt....
Anyone familiar with Bob and Tom?
@Kovitlac: Well, to be honest, I'm just playing through the game now.
Do we know if the DLC includes Trophies/Achievements?
I wonder if the soundtrack disc is going to be in mp3 format just like it was for Dragon Age....
@TrjnRabbit: Hey — as a Mac enthusiast myself, I have never owned an Apple mouse. Hell, I've only owned MICROSOFT mice for that purpose! I hate not having right click.
Son of a BITCH. I got Critter Crunch and Braid the days that they came out!
@tgd2e: Yeah, it was something like Brutus and Cassius for their parts again Julius Caesar and Judas betraying Jesus.
That guy in the middle looks like Shiggy if he were a LITTLE younger.