
The thread shows that you may have issues with some PSUs and that some of these issues have been posted in various PSU product reviews on new egg and amazon. Whether you want to do your research or not is your call.

The thread shows that you may have issues with some PSUs and that some of these issues have been posted in various

Wrong. Newer Active PFC PSU don’t play well with UPS that use a stepped sine wave.

Wrong. Newer Active PFC PSU don’t play well with UPS that use a stepped sine wave.

FYI...this UPS does not produce a pure sine wave which may make it incompatible with newer PSUs.

FYI...this UPS does not produce a pure sine wave which may make it incompatible with newer PSUs.

She’s not a mutant, but was born this way? WHAT DO YOU CALL THAT THEN?!?!?!?!?!?!

Hey Evan, Is this a different universe or a continuation of the battleworld events. I’m kinda confused right now as to how the Marvel-vers is setup at the moment.

Ehh...I’ve dealt with worse so this isn’t a deal breaker for me. However, I’m surprised they don’t show an ad for the musician during those 10 seconds. You’d think that would help them promote and even get artists to provide their music.

Which do you recommend: Hyrule Warriors or Dragon Quest Heroes?

Can’t you just cancel the charge on the credit card you used based of the fact that you were given the item you paid for?

Any word on hos this new marvel works with Parker and Morales? Also, what happened to Silk?

Love the cartoon style!

Have this as well and love it. I highly recommend if you don;t have a need for macros and want something more straight forward.

Have this as well and love it. I highly recommend if you don;t have a need for macros and want something more

i sue Steam reviews more then anything else...so ehh

I grabbed it a few weeks ago and I’m having a blast. The key is to find a tribe/group that is active. The game can feel very daunting on your own and it basically forces you to join a tribe at some point to continue (since you can’t learn every skill). That said, I found it easy to join a tribe and you find that

Players new about the biome changes a month beforehand so they had ample time to relocate.

I guess you could tape a fleshlight to it if you really wanted to.

At times corporations truly are their own worse enemy.

How does this work? Is there an RFID embedded in each card?

You might get a better response if you tease the top just above the opening for a little bit before you stick your finger in.