
Mechwarrior Online not doing it for you?

Do you really have to say FPS without the shooting? Can't you just call it a first person game?

Bad idea, sure. Worst in all gaming? You need to get out more.

Choose which weapons the mermaids fight with?

The Dunmer religion kind of focuses on ancestor worship, so ... yeah.

I really do hope they figure this out, as JC2 sounds like an amazing amount of fun multiplayer.

What I meant was that one COULD take a topic similar to this article, and generate earnest discussion. Something akin to "Hey, console-only gamers! If you've discounted PC gaming for any reason, now might be a good time to give it a second look!" With what's going on in the PC space (and how easy it is to adopt /

I agree, all meaningful discussion that could have been had was totally destroyed by language. When you put people on the defensive, they're not going to be receptive to your ideas.

Ork ≠ Orc. Look at how racist you all are, right off the bat!

I'm not a fan of the dollars per hour metric, because it encourages developers to artificially lengthen / repeat basic gameplay aspects just so they can brag that their game is X hours long.


Sorry, but I just don't agree. I don't think non-linear FPSes are dead, nor do I think that there needs to be some sort of linear, cinematic focus to make an FPS. I'm big on emergent gameplay over hand-holding myself, and will happily be in my corner playing STALKER and Day Z while people try to tell me what FPSes are

I do believe you missed the point I was making. What you call "corridor maze" games do not attempt to funnel the player down a linear, singular path. Archaotic argued in the post I replied to that this linearity is one of the requirements for the genre. All I was doing was pointing out that this is not a REQUIREMENT

Funneling people down a singular path is a modern evolution to FPSes, not an inalienable aspect of the genre. A lot of the older games were not linear in the slightest, and I still remember how much trouble Hexen gave me at times figuring out what I had to do next.

I felt like she was trying a bit too hard, but there have been plenty of worse presenters in the history of E3. Could have done without Tobuscus, though.

But then would come the harasser harasser harassers, then the harasser harasser harasser harassers, and so on. CYCLE OF HATE.

Instances of Pay2Win have been shrinking steadily for a while now. Devs and publishers know that nobody likes that stuff.

Maybe I should clarify - I was looking for unintentional presenter awkwardness / hilarity, not premeditated, manufactured jokes.

Which is fine, as they're all old memes. Still, you should probably realize that your rule is geared more towards people trying to force memes.

I missed nondescript action figure, and am not finding any good references to it. Help?