
It's right in the video description. Grimy Styles - Sound Czech

Requires more alteration skill.

One of the videos Bethesda released does indeed show a Khajit vendor, and they've appeared as NPCs in both Morrowind and Oblivion so I doubt they're going away.

"Streamlining", I guess. Every Elder Scrolls game that comes out loses some of its skills. Daggerfall had 35 skills. Morrowind had 27. Oblivion had 21. Skyrim has 18.

I hate to break it to you, but there's no dedicated Hand to Hand skill in Skyrim. There's a perk in Heavy armor that adds your gauntlets' armor rating to your unarmed damage, but that's it.

There are some pretty decent sized city locations. I enjoy the fact that the game has a a little bit of everything in it, and think it would lose something if the whole thing was one realistically sized city like gta.

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My favorite plane tethering is this one.

FADE can be a risky prospect if the game does not blatantly advertise that you have been FADEd. See: Titan Quest launch.

I see what you mean, but I'd rather studios design quests so well that I don't want to skip them than have them assure me that it's okay to skip them.

Seems silly. A game with way more stuff than 99% of its users will ever see gets padded with even more useless stuff? And that stuff is likely completely bland go here and kill this/pick this up as it's procedurally generated? Why? What does that add?

First the wedding thing and now this? Bravo, Gearbox.

I have a better idea for an accessory item - Dragon Shouts. Every once in a while, your avatar just lets a few rip. I'd never buy it, but it would be pretty funny.

Knowing Bethesda (and looking at the system requirements), I doubt they are shipping PC Skyrim with anything above and beyond the console editions. I'm sure there will be community-made texture packs within the month, so it's not a huge loss.

Kotaku posted them not too long ago.

You get a class specific weapon. On hard you get an even better class specific weapon, and on Insane you unlock the second Halloween costumes.

That challenge level takes so long to play. Last wave = 8,990 enemies with three players!

I see an APC and an SPG. Where were the tanks?

Looks more like a CCG than a board game.

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A branded, spill-resistant keyboard and it's not Deus Ex? What a shame.

Seems pretty standard practice for Elder Scrolls. They'll ship with the console textures because they know their awesome modding community will be putting out high res packs within the month.