
Actually, White Wolf merged with CCP Games (of EVE Online fame). Hence the WoD MMO in the works.

I say its more like ".........................aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAA... BOOM!"

The internet is a series of tubes.

The Witcher 2 does not have the Games for Windows stripe on its packaging, so I'm going to guess that it did not take part in the program. Games for Windows - LIVE is a step above the standard GFW program (which is just some basic standards), and has that horrible GFWL overlay. CD Projekt didn't have to include

I think the only troll here is you, jupiter. Winding up all these people over nothing and all. In case you were serious:

Yeah, I'm aware of this. The reason I did not suggest it was because I have no idea what his speed expectations were. It might take several points in athletics for him to be satisfied with the speed, where riding needs very little investment for some significant movement gains.

Get a horse. Get a long pointy object (spear, lance). Enjoy ganking people at high speeds. It's called MOUNT & Blade, not "Be one of the random infantrymen & Blade" :)

Oh, thanks for the info!

Sprites are from Realm of the Mad God. I wonder if the creators know.

Just to clear something up here - I never mentioned that the interface was BAD, just that it has telltale signs that the game has been designed for controller support from the ground up. Most games made solely for the PC with no eyes on console do not make such considerations.

"It's doubtful that refers to a console port"

Serious Sam HD on sale at steam, going to try to organize a co-op game with friends.

So, Guild Wars is not the typical MMO experience because everything is instanced. When you leave town, the only players you will see are your party members. GW2 promises the full large-server uninstanced MMO experience, but without subs.

Time slowed? Check. Outside interference prevented? Check. Super flashy complicated movements executed by very simple button presses? Check. It's definitely a QTE.

The operations control and white/red uniforms in that trailer looked lifted directly from Evangelion. The lack of singing/missile spam makes it hard for me to liken it to any Macross title.

I love how the guy goes out of his way to point out real time boss battles, only to show that you need to do a button-mashing QTE to kill the damn thing.

It's a trade off really - you play a game that you do not own, must pay extra for, and can shut down at any time. What do you get out of all of those negatives? A gaming experience that cannot be replicated without large servers, and much more new content/patching than the industry standard.

Games have always had seizure/epilepsy disclaimers, not just nowadays.

@FOXHOUND657: The article is a bit unclear, but it sounds like the CE is a preorder bonus rather than a separate, pricier edition.