
really though. so much of this body positivity stuff is fucking weak. some people do it well, but if i see another weight loss picture tagged “body positive” instead of “diet culture positive” i’m gonna fucking scream.

They should not be included in these posts. Why give that fucking asshole any more outlets for his idiocy.

Nope. I wish they wouldn’t include them in these posts. 

Am I the only one that almost breaks his mouse-wheel when scrolling past the fuckface-in-chief’s tweets?

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll indicates that a majority of Americans say they will “definitely not” vote for Trump in 2020. A majority of Americans give me trust issues though!!!

They periodically pick up the parts that fall off, and staple them together to make a new Hapsburg. The spares get elected by the GOP with surprising frequency, in my opinion.

A “not oK-hole”

My ex was obsessed with books.
At first, I thought it was a good sign - he loves to read! He’s smart! It’s the least worst habit, right?

Then, he began cataloging his books. He bought software to manage his books. He bought rare books. Expensive books. Obscure books. He bought 3 or 4 books of the same title - one to

I once made homemade biscuits and put them on a plate by the window for a few minutes to cool down. Grabbed one while I was talking on the phone. Slowly realized that the biscuit was moving, and at first thought it was just steam. Squinted at the plate. Was it...shimmying? Looked closer and the entire plate and every

Fellow old lady (and frequent ranter) here!!

I love that she has the guts to clap back at these blowhards but is doing it in a way that is not calling them liars, sexists or alarmists, but by basically calling them idiots and making them prove their knowledge. I don’t think a lot of our politicians really know their stuff when it comes to constitutional law, tax

I like her. A lot. She’s feisty, she’s bold, she’s fun, and modern, and she knows what she’s talking about. She’s what we need.

I politely requested that someone half my age (a grown millenial son of someone I grew up with) refrain from using the term ‘libtards’ (a reference he should be sensitive to, considering his own extended young family member who is mentally retarded...and because it's also clearly an antagonistic choice) and received

“After their visit, Hindu priests closed the temple for an hour to “purify” the temple”

Thank you. Morons like Trump who know the price of everything but the value of nothing are the ones most often promoting this viewpoint.

I’ve heard it suggested that he should just announce at one of his rallies that the wall is already built. His followers believe everything he says, so they’ll be happy, and we’ll save 5 billion dollars. 

In addition to not finishing it, I also threw it against a wall. I stand by my actions.

This is the most important comment. Skin color and the content of your bank account should never factor into the justice process.

You joke, but if you rearrange the letters of David Miscavige, you’ll spell:

Include the people who are going to WEAR the uniforms in the uniform-choosing process!!!