
Kellyanne Conway is like most of the conservative women who mock feminism because they don’t understand it. She doesn’t have what it takes to be a leader, to advance the cause of women, or to do anything that is actually helpful. She criticizes feminism without any sense of irony because she believes that she is so

Except it’s literally not. It’s exchanged as bits and bytes and never becomes physical capital. It is traded on high volume deals in a world in which we have no access. It makes no couches, buys no food. It’s taking the concept of fiat currency to the ultimate end-goal: an agreed upon series of numbers that only the

I pretty much agree with what HamNo wants, but continue to disagree with his pitch of how to achieve it. Trying to make a moral argument, as we just saw in November, does not work!

I love the idea that if we tax billionaires we will lose their largesse. We would cut off the pearls that dribble from their lips down upon us mere mortals. Wither the art museums? Wither the ice rinks?

The older I get, the more I realize that there is no such thing as wealth. It’s either struggle, or no struggle - simply put.

They come at him and then because he is way too clever they go in for the low blow. But, the man is very much beloved and there are plenty of people who go all in to let the assholes know how not okay it is and then drag them back to hell where they belong.

I sent an email and copied the principal. I also mentioned as some suggested the Supreme Court ruling Tinker Versus Des Moines

Democrats, liberals, basically most humans tend to sail through life unless there is a threat on the horizon at which point they either rise to deal with it or pretend it’s not there and get destroyed by it. American history is based upon rising up because you feel voiceless and repressed by those in charge and that

if that stuff is the worst they have from Fey in decades of working in Hollywood, i’m not getting up in arms. sorry.

I am black. I have been to Medford (Ashland is really the college town but Medford is seedier and right next door). Can confirm; if you don’t mind being objectified it’s like being a bear in a salmon run.

Chaffetz is an ultra-conservative religious zealot. There’s no way the dirt on him is boring. Guys like him are the ones who embody the “truth is stranger than fiction” saying.

Hey you unmotivated non-voters and anti-Hillary protest voters, still feeling so fucking self-righteous? If you think we’re gonna last long enough to have that Susan Sarandon advertised “revolution” at the ballot box, then have I got a bridge to Russia to sell to you!

Banned some time last year, but I linger on like a glutton for punishment :)

Wait until you are 65, have 60% of a social security check, and a voucher for the immediate clinic as your health insurance. Then, read that comment back to yourself

Good article. Even the most obtuse Trump supporter should be able to rationalize that Russia didn’t seek to influence this election in order to ensure that the strongest candidate won. They wanted (and got) the naive, exploitable guy.

I don’t know how to tell you this, but you *elected* a snowflake. He can’t let any comment pass without throwing a tantrum on the internet. He’s a manchild.

That's the thing—the statistics land the way they do because of cultural factors. Survey statistics show men wanting more sex and women wanting less because that's how the culture sways things. But recent studies are finding what we think we know to be wrong. I really wish I'd gotten Daniel Bergner involved because