And it's not even close.
There's just no way to talk about "ejecting across the map" without snickering, is there.
I've got some advanced ejection techniques for you right here. The easiest trick is to wait over 48 hours.
My first reaction: "That looks really bulky and awkward."
I'm guessing he asked. They would probably also notice the camera.
"Boy, those Germans have a word for everything!" (Homer Simpson)
I am experiencing a feeling of great pleasure from Brazil's humiliation....if only there was a word in German that precisely defined this emotion.
Very appropriate sponsorship on Univision.
"[Gamestop] getting involved at the time of game development "
"Oh you wanted a car with wheels? Then you should have gone down the street to the luther dealer."
Many aviation enthusiasts who film do that. They don't want extraneous noises on the video.
The Irony of fox news co-opting a logo from a game that is against bigotry, xenophobia, closed borders and blind religious zealotry is just too good to spoil.
They better catch that dern liberal in the graphics department!
Change the rules? It's a boring slow game where. toning exciting happens 90% of the time