You really love calling people "son". It's a bit contrived.

Ahh you have to love the through process of those who perform "Swatting"

Right, so after so many posts you're doing exactly as you accused of me which I proved applied more to you, you are just going to "walk off and have a good laugh with your friends."

Yeah crap like Asbestos, lead fumes from leaded petrol, Cigarette smoke, Alcohol... oh wait we are all having far far less of this. Hell, we are even consuming less salt. Transfats are on the way out as well as pretty much any cholesterol.

"people were more likely to develop the painful calcium deposits (pictured above) in their kidneys when average temperatures rose over 50 degrees."

I'm not sure about these new options on the KFC menu.

But I haven't crapped in my hand and thrown it. In fact I have done the very same thing you are doing: posting on Kotaku.

"You could have easily replied / rebutted in a way that was not attacking of his person."

Shadowskill in summary: "it's rotten but I don't have to say why. It just is because the Emperor decrees it is so. I'm a reputable authority because I use 'special education' status as a cheap insult... trust ME!"

Fanboy of what? What game?

Bill O'Reilley? Don't you recognise the Vice President of the United States?

Is owning a console like a cat? You want to love it but it just doesn't care and demands to be fed (money).

"One doesn't pick up Super Mario Cart 8 expecting to play Gran Turismo 5. "

"Source [Links to wikipedia]"

Hmm, assumptions and fabrications which contradict what I have just told you.

Now playing

Though... would have been better without any sequels.

What is YOUR business about me taking my moderate critique and hysterically exaggerating it to the level of a hateful vendetta?

Princess Peach: "Eyes up here, Yoshi"

"M1 Carbine is .30 caliber. They are "slow" with a rate of 1990ft/s."

Do you have a more contemporaneous reference?