Because the word "saga" has no relevance to the Scandinavian cultures that inform and inspired Stoic ...
Snorri Sturluson is rolling in his grave.
Because the word "saga" has no relevance to the Scandinavian cultures that inform and inspired Stoic ...
Snorri Sturluson is rolling in his grave.
And the Monte Cook bit:…
While it not directly video game related, I had the pleasure to interview some of the Reaper folks in the wake of their own massively successful Kickstarter. Bonus: While I was at their shop I also got to sit down with Monte Cook and talk Numenera and Kickstarter — which I suppose does sort of connect with the…
... But, but, katanas can cut through anything. I saw one cut though a tank once. A tank! Iot this awesome one at the mall and I can slice through anything! Because curves and OMG such good steal!
I like you.
As a game critic for a print publication, I end up playing A LOT of games and I highly recommend you try this one out. These days, $20 bucks isn't all that much to spend on a game and this game really is something special. I've been playing "Factions" — the multiplayer fundraiser/demo — for about a year and Stoic…
I've been on this weird kick of replaying things lately. I did an entire DA: Origins playthrough recently, finally finished the first Witcher game and just finished Dishonored and its DLCs on the hardest difficulty. I also tried out some new builds in Torchlight 2, had fun playing with Skyrim some new mods, teamed up…
Great thread.
Greatest Kotaku article in recorded history.
Or Dark Souls, for that matter.
I feel like people who complain about DayZ probably never played Ultima Online.
Thank you, first person to understand that post.
Memetic criticism of memetic response? This amuses me.
Wow. Such physics. So graphics. Much realism.
Wait. There are people who WANT the Xbone?
People would trash up their houses doing all that rolling around ...
This. It was always a better single-player game than it was an MMO.
Yep, same guy.
Should Khan's lines count? He's just quoting "Moby Dick." Wouldn't that make it a cheesy-classic-American-literature "one-liner."
Ah, Sen's Loltress, the preferred griefing grounds for any self-respecting low-level Dark Wraith.