Thank you.
Thank you.
I wish they'd give it retractable landing gear. I'd love a certified Lancair IV-P or Evo.
I'd probably call it "BBQ Sauce".
When do we get to see Matt Farah in this thing on Tuned?
That illustration is a very nice, much more appealing than reality, charicature of Mr. Ecclestone.
That's fine, because it's also much less ugly...
These photoshops are so perfectly half-assed!
Yes. This plane is wonderful. And the sound it makes is like nothing else.
I think you were supposed to be an animator, Torch. This anthropomorphisation (yes, now that is a word) is a common issue with people in my field. I found hours of entertainment while taking a dump at art school by staring at the patterns on the floor and seeing stuff like this.
Serious business.
I highly recommend you work the word 'Malarkey' into your repertoire, Travis.
Putin hasn't shown much of this sort of logic as of late. He'll just blame it on someone else.
The guy avoided the parking lot light poles and all the cars on a deadstick landing. I'd call that a damn nice job!
Don't worry Cameron, everythings gonna be ok.
Yep, STi hatch here. Kid loves it!
They waited 20 in Wall-e. Its not the lack of dialogue, it's the quality of what's on screen.
Isn't that a good thing?
Love the car.
Number ten may be the inciting incident for the act known as "dragoning".
Trailer Park Boys is real!