A non-guaranteed deal seems nuts for Howard and actually very shrewd for the lakers. For Howard, it not only means if you make a bad joke after a loss and Davis gets pissed at you, you’re gone, but if you tweak a knee two weeks in, youre gone, all with zero dollars. For Pelinka/LeBron, it’s win win all the way. If it

Dwight: I swear I’m not crippled and I’m super depressed about my career.

I sat in a bar, with my pregnant wife, down in Florida watching that game unfold. The nice locals next to us seemed excited for the Bears about to kick the winning field goal. I told them that he was going to miss it. I had no doubts about this and then he hit those fucking poles. Sat there in my Mack jersey, staring


+Tribe Called Quest. +De La.

Man, NY in the 1990s gave us the Wu, Black Moon, Mobb Deep, Nas, Biggie, Big L, Fat Joe, Big Pun, and Nore yet somehow supremely overrated Hov became the biggest star of all

Which fictional monster/movie villain would win the home run derby?

“wHy DoN’t ThE tRoOpS fOrM a TeAm AnD dOmInAtE fOoTbAlL?!??”

Recently I have noticed a lot of people responding to text messages using the “Thumbs Up” emoji. Every time I receive this as a response to a text message it makes me furious.

As one of those sewer trash, I can confirm that I’m now able to achieve climax to a photo of a Raiders helmet.

I don’t know the particulars because I really don’t give a shit but if you’re in a position to find an excuse to not play a life shortening game for a clowncar organization while still getting paid a bunch of money is it not worth pressing that button to see what happens?

Tired of all these primadonnas complaining about not getting to play with what they want. Well boohoo snowflake, there are millions of people who would gladly take your place and play for nothing. What happened to being a MAN and playing football in nothing but a leather shell? That’s real FOOTBALL. You go out there

Inject this straight into my veins. I need this saga to be drawn out as long as possible, bringing the Raiders, AB, and everyone else past their breaking points. I need panicked public statements, I need social media meltdowns, and I need Jon Gruden turning shades of red that even Deadpsin couldn’t photoshop. I love

And apparently favors things that are actually evil.

Pfft. Washed up Metallica would be considered “too extreme” for the milquetoast SB Halftime show.

It’s good to know that in a sport where the U.S. Border Patrol was a car’s primary sponsor, the CEO endorsed Donald Trump for president, a noted bigotwas invited to lead a prayer before a race that asked God for a Republican president, and a collaboration was done with a racist and misogynistic sports blog, that Rick

Y’know, I really wish someone would tell these sports entities to (checks notes) “stick to sports”...

Hasn’t this been happening for a while now?