That isn’t low-hanging fruit. This is:

At this point I wonder which Fox employess haven’t sexually harassed anyone.

And now that I took the low-hanging fruit, here’s a legit thing:

Britt McHenry is a piece of shit.

Britt should have known that if she wanted him to stop, all she had to do was call his Momma.

OKC and Paul agreeing to an unprecedented buyout and he signs with the Lakers for the vet minimum. 

Do you want us to start posting links or are you capable of doing some searching yourself?

“I’m guessing...he would actually respond.

LOL “the rest of us.” Yeah, man, you’re definitely speaking for everyone here. Toooootally.

You didn’t do any research.  And any reasonable person would look at the whole situation and point some very reasonable figures at the shitty parents.  How many times was this shitbag bailed out by his dad and given money for high priced lawyers instead of paying the price for his actions?  He got away with being a

Fun Fact: All three of the Remy children are convicted felons.

Exactly right. Jared was a violent man who got away with many things because of who his dad was. Maybe if his dad had gotten him help to go along with lawyer and bail money Jerry wouldn’t have gotten such a “rough” time of it in the media.  They were exceptionally shitty parents, who raised shitty kids... one of whom

I remember similar criticism of Tony Dungy after his son committed suicide.

there was legitimate criticism of jery and phoebe and how they bailed jared out time and again instead of having him face consequences for earlier actions. when you hear jery speak on this, or read his words, you are hearing only one side of the equation. jared was allowed to skate for years on bad behavior and,

I lived in Boston at the time, and remember that this story is so much worse than Jerry makes out to be (not surprising). Jared just got arrested for domestic violence against Jen and once he was released on bail he immediately the next day went back to their home and stabbed her multiple times throughout the house.

Yeah, and there was no 3 billion dollars in losses.  that’s 3 billion dollars in sales that were never going to happen anyways.  People that pirate don’t want to pay regardless.  They’d rather go without, or find another source.  If the publishers want their money, they need to digitize the comics themselves and put

Worldwide manhunt for- a comic book pirate...


Talk shit, get hit. Ben Askren can shrink off to the nether realm with all the other idiots in the world.

Technically speaking, he did nothing wrong with those 2 extra punches, unpleasant an act as it was - you’re supposed to keep fighting until the ref stops the fight, to do otherwise is a risk to your chances of winning. I have seen fights where a fighter thought he knocked out his opponent, backed off, only to have his

There’s a(little bit) more context to it. The other guy’s schtick is basically the annoying jock-clown guy. And he talked a lot of shit.