The Game Anthropologist

I was going to say it is more than 2, but I’m pretty sure it is the same 2 guys who have multiple accounts on here. So you’re right. 

This is like a story from fucking 2007. The fact that Perkins is still around is astonishing. His apparent solutions are nothing new and that’s what I expect, but I thought they would have caught him wrist deep into a male prostitute by now.

Admittidley, I am aware of the British politics primary through the lens of the BBC, historical documentaries, and Charlie Brooker. Still even through that lens, the reactions to this - at least on social media - are interesting.

I wonder if Inslee would make a good VP for her. I think name recognition might be an issue though.

I think sanders would be fine. Warren would be better in my opinion, but mistake. Eh, I wouldn’t quantify it as that. 

Geeze. I speculated that the passage of time would expose Biden, with his rather bland and non-forward thinking plans and occasional gaffes. This however is generally worrying. Maybe he does have some problems with his brain.

I’m glad I’m not the only one. That song was burned into my 12 year old brain for an entire school year because of that. 

This seems like a good progression and essentially a win-win for everyone involved. The public gets to see the candidates whittled down and the major candidates can be on the same stage, debating actual policy positions with enough time to articulate. And the shithead candidates (like Gabbard, Steyer, Williamson) can

I personally don’t want Biden to win the nom, but it is really shitty to not mention him. Especially since Buttigieg is mentioned and he is - at best (at this point) - an outlier candidate. 

He will eventually go on Bill Maher’s show to rail against anti-free speech instigators while also talking about how vicious people attacked him online for being an free speech champion.

Video games are fun.

Fun for you would seem to extol the virtues of peace and love with daddy sanders while also seemingly excluding large swaths of people. That’s fine, but be consistent. Also, are you all the same person or is it like three of you on here making different accounts?

Also, we talked about dicks and I

So is ignoring a second point of criticism in order to win internet points with a clique of weirdos on this site. But whatever, right? Drink Wolf Cola. 

The person who says “lily white” over and over again while also claiming to know exactly how whole swaths of people think? Yeah, I don’t care to. 

Not sure if a Kinja thing or what, but I seem to having trouble responding to “You. Yes, you.” So I’ll do it here.

Sure. And you said it twice now. Good on you. 

Honestly I’m an old man now and do really know who Cardi B is other than from sanders’ more culty followers highlighting her support of him as if it’s a game changer. I do like the idea of celebrities using said celebrity to bring attention to issues. So if that’s her goal, cool.

I put it in quotes mostly because I see it used to describe black or POC and I disagree with the connotation. It reminds me of this one time when a racist YouTuber I was in the presence of made a comment saying the “urban market is that way” while pointing at a group of black men. So that is mostly why I dislike the

Cool story. 

Eh, that was his perception on the matter. I think it is a combination of a lot of factors. In my mind, it provides at least a base line for when the changes came in. Maybe a bit too ontological, but it probably is also due to the decline of working jobs across the board and a combination of the hyper patriotism of

Good to see sanders has cornered the market on pop stars who appeal to the youth and “urban” market while also holding regressive and terrible views?Yeah, you’re right. Warren sucks.