The Game Anthropologist

No thanks.

I am discussing this with my wife and we are at a loss. What can WE actually do? I know AOC can do her thing while simultaneously the Democrats in Congress will appoint members of a committee to form another committee to investigate who can be put on a committee to investigate “immigrant detention.”

These people are

The fact that he wasn’t retired after the leaked footage of him prior to his Iowa interview with Hillary where he joked about spiking her water tells you how much pull he apparently still has with the network.

Meant to say “more canned and not candid.” Sorry for the typo

I honestly can’t tell if it was staged or not. That’s my problem because I’m a stupid centrist or whatever.

What’s worse is that “states’ rights” - so to speak - has always been couched in racial undertones and was an obvious replacement for saying overtly racial dialogue to make a point. (See: Lee Atwater) 

I know. If only it was organic like “I’m the only one with the guts to take on Wall Street.” That was just fluid and not like someone pulling the string on a toy and hearing what it says.

Thanks for chiming in on this. Given the conclusion you’ve reached, we should not expect to hear back from you on this subject again.

Hey now. I’m a radical centrist according to the chuds on this site, thank you very much. know it is coming...


Well, I’m just about ready for an actual revolution to fix this. Might need to be talked down. 

There’s so much wrong with what you have just said that I struggle to believe that you are earnest, but I’ll say for anyone who stumbles upon this that - like roads, health care, etc. - it is an investment in society. From a purely economic perspective, having millions of people with crippling debt doesn’t really

It would be one thing to poo poo the plan itself - even though I think it is great - or to target someone you may not care for (e.g., sanders) as a reason for not supporting it (it’s spiteful, but I get it), but what I do not understand are these types of people who won’t even entertain the idea of making some sort of

I’m betting sanders farts on planes. There is no evidence to support my claim... but I just know it. And he most likely blames the person next to him when it wafts up the corridor. 

Oh lighten up, Francis. Most of the progressive wing is looking to make Medicare for All or some other universal health care a reality. It’s better to work together towards that end without being a pillock.

Not to be a prophet, but I’ve been saying this all along. Give Biden enough time and he’ll sink his own campaign with asinine observations and silly comments.

This is the best response to this subject I’ve seen in awhile. Plus I’d like to use your analogy for my students.

Talk about the cat out of the bag. That tweet from sanders just about confirms what I’ve always speculated: that “He” is the only one to bring about progessive policies and anyone who isn’t “Him” is a centrist. Fuck that line of thinking. Warren and sanders have a lot of overlapping policies and he should recognize

That would mean he would have to admit a mistake and that’s just a non-starter for him.

It never ceases to amaze me when people who are wrong about something decide to get extremely pedantic in order to claim that they are actually right. Whether it be conservative politicians, religious figures, anti-vaxxers, or whatever, they always turn into walking dictionaries as if that is the slam dunk response to