Am teacher, can confirm. This woman will land on her feet and shove out one (if not tens) more qualified new/young teachers.
Am teacher, can confirm. This woman will land on her feet and shove out one (if not tens) more qualified new/young teachers.
“As the editor of my college newspaper years ago (Vietnam era), I know there is always another side to the story.”
You just know that the next sentence would be a deeper exploration of this sentiment, with something like “Those Kent State students were really mean to those ROTC guys and they felt threatened.”
It’s the internet. They are (sorry, but yeah this is applicable) pussies. When confronted by actual people, they would wither and fold instantly. As long as they can send 280 character messages from their hugbox of fellow travelers, they’ll always say the heinous shit.
I hate to pick on someone’s dress sense, but if I’m running for president, I’m going to make sure my clothes fit nicely and not look like a raggedy assed cadet.
YAY STATUS QUO! just doesn’t have that great a ring to it.
Maybe getting booed is there kink (look at Delaney at the very end of the clip.)
I farted.
Would it be better if it were a vanilla milkshake for the racist bit or a chocolate one for the sense of irony?
It’s like an evil Street Fighter select-a-stage screen.
It’s shocking that it took this in order for her to realize that they were a bunch of bad-faith actors, but I guess that’s progress of a kind.
I’m still mad about the 2010 election. That I think was the turning point that led us to all the madness of today. That was an election where we needed the progressives to dig in and instead they fucked off.
I mean... jeepers.
I think that’s a definite possibility, but in the end he’ll destroy himself. He’s had two go’s at this and if anything it made him more stubborn (e.g., I just wasn’t as in your face with my stuff.)
I didn’t know everyone’s crazy uncle/aunt was editing videos at minor league baseball games now.
So it would appear.
*phone text derp
Look, it’s over friendo. You had a good time with your fellow little friends on here, but it’s over. We see you now.
I’m just exhausted. I look forward to dickbags coming on cable news to tell us how the Mueller Report actually shows a treasonous cable trying to usurp trump...
Actually that may have happened already.
I have no ragrats.