The Game Anthropologist

I disagree with going on Fox News full stop. It adds legitimacy to an institution and portrays them as not bad actors. It’s nice to shit on them while there, but I think the end result is null.

Honestly I don’t care at this point. My left ball is hurting this morning so my focus is elsewhere. When someone claims that a certain group is throwing a temper tantrum, it denotes that you’re not entirely serious.


Yes... only the left... has temper tantrums. Quite the conclusion to reach.

I look forward to the inevitable “muh free speech” twerps chiming in on this and eventually equating milkshakes thrown in protest to bullets show as liberals as “the same thing.” 

I watched two and half episodes then checked out completely. I don’t think I’m edgy, but I was particularly miffed that people kept explaining to me that I just didn’t get it and needed to give it a chance. This is coming from people who forget I’ve read the entire Star Wars expanded universe. This should be something

I actually think this is pretty good. It does’t seek to vilify the charter schools in this country that are not for-profit and acknowledges the real problems with school segregation.

I don’t really hear what she says. The words come out, but all I hear is a fog horn and her appearance doesn’t so much disgust me, but fill me with a white light of fury. 

Yeah, I was ranting. I realize that it’s different people. Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part. 

I’m reading your comment above this one (it’s kinja, so I don’t know if its the same on your end) and you spun this critique as

Well, that’s just rude.

Oh, I’m sorry. Admittedly I did go too far. I was irritated by the sanders corp who got us to this point.

I did misspell it. I get him and Peter mixed up sometimes, but it might be spelled the same way. I also typed on the phone.

*It was actually Jeremiah Wright.

You seem smart. Are you being sarcastic, I can’t tell? 

God when he loses you guys are going to explode. The schedefreaude will be great.

Actually I just read through your stuff. Holy shit. You are a special person.

Wait, whose we?

Sorry, I missed that. All I heard was the whining. Slow down and speak like an adult. Just because we all can’t go to the local commune to make our clothes from all natural whatever and eat vegan. Yes, we’re all sinners. We live in a society so I guess we’ll have to live together as well or something.