The Game Anthropologist

The claim was the most popular politician in the country. I’m sorry that polls showing him as leading the democratic primary and being, seemingly, the most popular U.S. Senator don’t back that up.

Thank you. I was looking for some data point to go by. I’m not surprised it is just over two years old and invalidates the current conventions on the popular myth, but I appreciate the data.

While on the toilet.

I agree for the most part.

Damn. She just shot up in my book. 

Good, more data. Data is always good. Now, show me the one where he is the most popular politician in the country.

Yes. That is data.

That would beat out “Go Status Quo!” 

I imagine the primarily poor and Latinx residents of Sierra Blanca would like a word with you.

I think their bones are too brittle to make kinja posts. 

🎶Ohhhhhhh, it’s a jolly holiday with bernie. No wonder that it’s bernie that we love... and is the only hope for the republic and absolutely no one else let me tell you 78 different things about bernie sanders that makes him the only leader worthy of the mantle of president and how he’ll bring about revolution change

I believe the original argument up the thread was about the impartiality of the writers on this website and not the purveyors.

Wasn’t baraka a big Ron Paul fan or something? That’s what I keep hearing, that he/she has completely flipped the script. 

I didn’t realize this until it was pointed out, but baraka seems to edit his/her posts when replying back to people.

I don’t know why Biden doesn’t stick to Delaware just... because. Though he did grow up in Scranton, so it would make sense there. What would make more sense would him to not run at all, but that seems to be baked in now.

Most popular politician in the country... but could lose to Biden in a popularity contest.

I think I know what Jimmy’s been up to.

Mine is meatspin dot com.

Okay. I just wanted to know your mindset.

This seems to be more about local politics. If his region of NC is that split, controlling the “narrative” for his Omar donation is critical to him.