The Game Anthropologist





... okay? 

Oh, he’s editing his comments. It’s okay. I’m on it. 

I feel that this interests would be aligned with sanders if he won the primary. They won’t run some independent if he snuck his way into the nomination. What they’re doing now is shitty. As someone mentioned in the comments already, this is about their bottom line: rich vs poor. Even the greatest “progressives” pledge

How about two Scooby Snacks? 

If I feed you a Scooby Snack, would you comment more? 

Capping this one. 


I see a lot of people commenting on here about the audience being surprisingly for bernie on this, but you have to understand the area.

Well if you saw it, then you saw it. I was not implying you are a liar.

That’s up to you. You guys have morphed into full blown cartoon characters.

Just because I don’t like sanders or want to vote for him in the primary doesn’t make me a “hater.”

No, I troll you at this point because you’re a cartoon. And speaking/commenting/writing to you to have any form of meaningful discourse is now to the point of infinite regress.

Oh, it’s not a 180. I don’t like sanders still.

Hey, I type on my phone. Sue me. But I’ll be more mindful in the future. 

Q.E.D. yet again. 

It wasn’t about it being a mistake in the sense you’re implying. If it’s a mistake and it tanks his primary, for instance, was not a fear that I noticed (though that would be hilarious.)

I didn’t hear anyone really complaining about it that wasn’t already against sanders. So you should pay them no mind. 

sanders as Steel Stacks. I thought something smelled a little weird in the Southside if Bethlehem tonight. 

I think sanders sought an opportunity to wag his finger at someone who would fire up his base and it completely backfired on him. And doing it in the guise of caring for his “fellow progressives” is a little infuriating. 

I think she was trying a two pronged approach: appear to be the logical, less nutty version of anything trump or his band of dingbats in Congress represent and also curtail to a more centrist position. Both of these are the wrong direction to take.