The Game Anthropologist

I would agree with you if you didn’t say “the best.” This is getting into trump territory.

*meant to say the former

I think this article demonstrated that it is not always easy to come out on top of the issue. Even sanders partook in the age old “it’s not time yet” rhetoric. At this point, I think it’s best to hear what the candidates say they will do in 2019-2020 and beyond and at the very least take the past as the past. 

I thought that was an odd thing to put in the article too. Huh, great minds ya know. 

I still haven’t really made up my mind on who is best for the primary. Though I have some thoughts on this part of the article.

I don’t think it’s indicative of “the left” or even members on the left. Just these randos online. People can claim to be a part of a group, but not indicative of an entire group. 

I’ll acknowledge I’m a dickhead, which I can be at times. Will you finally acknowledge that you’re a cartoon character who is beyond having an adult conversation?

Actually don’t answer that. From what I gather, people on this blog know the answer.

Read further then.

I think the other guy presuming he doesn’t like sanders because he’s an anti-Semite means both of these guys are pretty lame. 

Your approval means nothing to me, sir/madam. 

Well now he’ll be fully vetted this time. So no more excuses from his supporters if many don’t like what they see.

I don’t know it for sure, but I highly suspect it: he has terrible halitosis. So that disqualified him for sure. 

Oh lighten up, Francis.

I think I just have a swollen epididymis, so I’m good. 

I look forward to the three to four mandated shit articles about this guy because he’s not bernie... or whatever reason. I’m tired and my balls hurt.

Also, fuck you. I hope you get a paper cut between your toes or get trampled by a group of privileged white kids at a sanders rally after the white reggae band finishes its set. 

No, it’s really about the role that sanders and his supporters played in 2016 that they still won’t account for, but whatever.

I had a moment and wanted to go on bernie’s campaign page to quote some of his thoughts on race relations, but then ran into three bumpers with a gif a him wagging his big dumb finger asking me for money. So I found this article below and I think it mirror my problems with sanders and his people and their odd

Finally, the sandernistas in the comment section are tearing each other up.

Honestly this comment on immigration is couched in most of the stupid crap he’s said pertaining to “white working class” people being left out in the cold and his assertion that income equality will cure all societal ills (see: racism.)

It explains his power base (mostly white people) and that’s who he caters to. I’d