The Game Anthropologist

That would be nice. My area may have a fair share of decent salaries, but there are no guarantees. 

God, Schumer is such a frickin waste. 

Next week on Splinter:

Is hot take synonymous with wild logical leap... because it does here with your statement and that twitter post.

You’re right.

If a tree falls in the woods, could you...

still blame it on “corporate centrists” while also claiming bernie would grow it back from scratch in a week? 

That’s demonstrably not true. So... no, bro.

Is this rhetorical? I’m more of a Warren fan than Harris, so I don’t get this.

The same can be said of any candidate. The best remedy is keeping up with the news and the topics to hold them all accountable. 

Handouts are fun. ever take a crap so big that your pants fit better?

As a teacher, I approve.

I think the primary is fine and is necessary. What I don’t find fine are the people who whine ceaselessly afterwards and drag the whole energy of actually getting rid of all these nasty fucks down. 

I’m gonna dog ear this piece here.

...sore losers who booed the nominee of the party, kicked their feet dragging and screaming and “holding their nose” to the polls for, and which they wished to transform from within but now seem to realize that in being such sore losers that people have a bit of disdain for them?

Relax bro, I’m not bullying you. I could bat you around like a cat toy, but I was trying to have a dialogue.

Say much, much? 

I’m always honest. You seem to be the one who likes to presume. You know nothing of me nor I of you. I only go by your responses. Though I will admit I have made some presumptions of my own as well. 

...and yet you are quite angry, grasshopper.

Actually I just found the first comment on your thread and decided to comment on it. I guess in retrospect I should have actually looked at who you were addressing.

I’m not normally a troll, but I was looking into provoking a reaction... so... I got it.