The Game Anthropologist

If any says they had to “hold their nose” to vote in 2016, they should be ignored hereafter until they apologize. 

I’m starting to warm to Warren. This statement along with her modified views on improving the housing situation are making her look like a good progressive option for voters. We’ll see what happens in the next year. 

Hey look, another one. Honestly in a field I’d 20, standing on tables might actually help him to... stand out. If he had policy positions that’d be good too.

Jesus. I honestly didn’t think it at the time, but you guys are actually scared of Beto. I don’t much care for him as a presidential candidate and think he’ll fizzle out. He’s the John Edwards of 2020.

They have to lay the groundwork for those “Why Bernie Didn’t Win” and “Why Voting Doesn’t Matter” articles to come in the next year or so. I’m not really a Beto fan either, but their persistent slam articles on him are humorous to say the very least about them.

I imagine this week they’ll talk about how his outfits

Yeah I see now. 

No, the hill you want to die on is with that activist who seems to be only interested in becoming some weird left version of Laura Loomer and throws around the word “faggot” and “nigga” as if it were needed for her daily insulin boost. So please, die on that hill.

I mean, he must be. People who continue to talk about the past as if that’s the key to an argument in dealing with the present. Yes, you understand recent history. Here’s your t-shirt and complimentary hat. So how do we go about doing better?

Just one more thing and I’ll let you go on to your life of tedium and petty political posturing.

She sure did. With her bare hands I hear, too. She was also the second gunman on the grassy knoll.

I’m sorry that you’re too dumb to have a conversation with. I’m sure when you go door to door and say “Us, not me” it will be as hollow as your rhetoric here. Why in the name of fuck you can’t let the Clintons go I’ll

I honestly stopped listening after your first sentence, because it might be the dumbest thing I’ve heard today and it’s only 9:40am. 

It really is amazing to see this every day from these people. It’s like we’re all so numb to the idea of actual propaganda that we just lament “there they go again.” When will this ever fucking end?

That’s an interesting hill to die on with that person, but whatever. She’s a sanders supporter going against a Clinton so she’s automatically a hero in your eyes.

People can criticize a person becoming belligerent to another person (at a goddamned vigil/wake) without being Islamaphobic. People can criticize a person

Eh... I wouldn’t say that exactly. You are right about them being close allies to the U.S., but it really is by tradition and very recent. In fact, after the Suez Crisis, France decided to rely on a stronger Europe rather than reliance on the United States. I would suspect that is more of a reason they are not part of

I hope you’re referring to the Aussie senator. 

Well, I have a response to this that should clear this up.

Pay attention now.

I would contest that it isn’t a small segment. 

That’s cool. The charter school situation is a non-starter with me. If he comes full circle on it and expands on what he wants to do and it’s good, I can change my mind. 

This is probably the best take on this. The field is too crowded to have someone espouse platitudes and lack anything specific policy wise. If he wants to stand out, he’ll have to make a move.

I’m not a fan of Booker because of the charter school thing. Other than that, he seems like a decent guy. I don’t know a great deal about him beyond the surface level. If he wins, I’ll vote for him.