I’m sure there’s a “Cash For Gold Christ Throw Pillow To Trigger The Libs” type out there willing to advertise on his show.
I’m sure there’s a “Cash For Gold Christ Throw Pillow To Trigger The Libs” type out there willing to advertise on his show.
I like how he started to get jowely, in a way that most hate filled rich white shitheads do. It’s a prolonged process, but it seems to be accelerating. By the time 2020 comes around, he’ll be able to compete with McConnell.
Oh yeah, well I had sex with your wife.
Who gives a shit? She can do whatever she wants. I’m no more fixated on her than you clearly seem to be.
Is this satire? Are you trying to be Andy Kaufman?
It pains me that he is a sitting senator to this day.
My favorite comments on here are from the sanders supporters who seem upset that “no one will listen to us” while derogatory calling “unity” supporting voters as corporate shill, something something centrist, etc.
No one cares about rehashing 2016 except you. It’s always been you. It won’t be anyone else but you.…
Well go cry in your Cheerios then. The only people who want a repeat of that are people like you, claiming everyone is a corporate shill.
Seriously, go fuck yourself.
I mean... I get that you want to make me into some evil centrist or something because it makes you feel more comfortable, but I honestly don’t know with whom I want to be the nominee at this point.
My original post spoke to how it seems like DNC primary voters are looking backwards and that there isn’t a newcomer who…
PA was an outlier. I live here and can tell you that it going red was a huge surprise. I can’t speak for the others in the Midwest, but I imagine they too must be outliers (with the exception of Ohio since it seems to oscillate between red/blue.)
I’d prefer another candidate to these two, but it’s early yet and we’ll see how it goes. Honestly I think anyone who has run for president more than once should come under - rightful - increased scrutiny. It would be nicer to see an up-and-coming candidate pull ahead.
I think that’s how most people feel, well... except the youknowwho’s.
I think the comments below you prove that most people on this site would rather repeat 2016 and make life miserable for the Democratic nominee if it isn’t their lord and savior.
Damn my over zealous typing on a phone.
That. Person. Is. A. Poe.
Just let it go when he/she/it does their thing.
Is there a way to mute people on this site? I need to know. I guess I shouldn’t be asking the person I want to muzzle.
Shh. You can’t say that. I have lots of stats that say sanders voters voted for Hillary and didn’t at all hurt her chances in the general by calling her weak, a warhawk, and a “cunt.” Therefore you can’t say that.
~most commenters on here
Dude, we have the receipts on you. You of all people calling someone else a cultist is just adorable.
I was going to say
Here at Splinter, we pride ourselves on crafting articles about not voting in election because in the end it doesn’t really matter because are particular New York centric sensibilities will keep us constantly insulated from the real ramifications of trump and his merry band of shitty conservative…
Yeah, that’s what I figured from you guys. Par, course, moving on.