The Game Anthropologist

You’re right. Everyone knows a true presidential candidate actually employs people who are abusive to his employees and then says it was a big wooooopsies at a CNN town hall and all is forgiven.

Your word salad of splooge and puss in this comment was fascinating, but instead of addressing it I’ll just say a sandernista saying anyone is poilitcially ignorant is just so gosh dern adoreable.

Let’s try an analogy.

I thought the dnc were evil svengalis. How will they ever let bernie win? I’m sure the fix is in already. ~this comment section this time next year 

I always figured he looked like that because he’s trying to personify s wet fart and is truly contemplating it. But your description that he’s playing 12-d chess with the world sounds more logical. 

Aww, look at you. You took a political science class and learned a word. 

Mmmmm. That’s the unity and coalition burilding I remember from 2016.

I’m sorry, that’s not true. But it’ll happen this time.

Your movement is akin to a bowel movement: it’s stinky, it’ll pass by quickly, and has the potential to be looked at fondly, but will more than likely be thanked for not being lasting.

You made a flippant comment about “hillary’s chosen successor.” Stop with the concern trolling about decorum or 2016 when you want nothing like that. sanders wins the primary only by tearing down the dnc and other candidates.

Yike, I didn’t know about that tweet. Thanks for the ammo.

Not to pile on, even though I enjoy it, your submission that any negative of sanders is “thrown at him” implying falecious reasoning when in fact it’s actual negatives.

I’ll have you know that I work out a lot and my core is strong, but if anything it’s made of caramel, because it’s delicious.

I’m sorry, what the hell are you talking about? are too silly to talk to.

Do sanders next.

So does sanders and he’ll actually be vetted this time if he wants to stand out. No more “I’m not killary” to cover any potential stinkers hanging around his neck.

Honestly, I forgot initially because you’re posting a lot of bollocks it’s hard to keep up. I think I was referring to you saying of sanders “few can match his accomplishments.”

Look, you can like sanders, that’s fine. Don’t talk shit though.