The Game Anthropologist

Yeah, honestly I don’t care. Have fun with that. 

No, it’s all about him. That was known in from mid-2016 to now. If it wasn’t about him, he would have been doing things differently up until now. 

I could be wrong, but this might be the first time that Cohen has alleged that dingus did something criminal while in office. So yeah, it could very well be explosive. 

Good on you and good response. 

I like how you talk about stopping he cash flow, but failed to mention how sanders has only done two things about that in regards to Vermont: jack and shit.

It’s okay because once he becomes president, gets everything he wants through... I dunno... the will of the people, reforms the economy completely to where its fair for everyone (kind of), then all racism will die.

What a bar he cleared. Add a notch to his belt. 

Exactly. That’s not so much the elephant in the room, but the psychedelic parade of elephants that comes from drinking too much hooch.

I have to wonder what makes you people give him he benefit of the doubt so often that you rarely if ever afford to others.

Yes, bernie is the salt of the earth, the great communicator, rinse/repeat.

I was more talking about the conservative weirdos who’d be coming after her, but it’s a shame if people on the left are doing the same. 

God, not Booker at education. I don’t dislike him, but in terms of schools he sucks.

I agree with your last point despite my own positive feelings about Warren. To me, this country still - to put it bluntly - doesn’t want a woman to be president. trump represents that feeling and Warren isn’t quite strong enough to take that on.

I feel bad for what is potentially going to happen to her. I know it’s easy to shit on someone who willing worked for that shitstain, but she doesn’t deserve what’s coming. 

I honestly don’t know yet. I’m willing to hear out anyone who didn’t already campaign in 2016. That said, if sanders got the nom, of course I’d vote for him. What is important is to not constantly inundate the process with negative (this candidate did this, oh how fake; this person did that, my guy wouldn’t do that.)

I expanded upon this in another thread here, but yeah, that should be the case as well. A peace time draft shouldn’t force men/women to do anything. A war time draft, on the hand, would be a different story. 

What’s that? 

This is what I was thinking too. There are so many opportunities that can be created for young people who are looking for a different outlet that do not necessarily want to be responsible for the deaths of others. Plus in increases national spirit. 

You misunderstand. I think women should and are more than capable to be in combat roles. My initial response is that to not even have women in combat support/other support roles be considered at this point in our existence is laughable. 

Not a fan of her either. She’s definitely worse.