The Game Anthropologist

Well obviously. 


I agree, though I’m surprised my old hometown of Memphis isn’t in the mix. It is actually the largest airport - in terms of distribution and shipping - in the world. This is because of FedEx. Plus it is a giant distribution hub for many other giant corporations too. 

I’m of the mind to just let it go. The moment one of these bootlickers tries to stop the Mueller probe or organizes some completely dystopian bullshit, that should be the final straw.

Though I thought that before with so many other things, so... 

This is great to see. Something that I wish Obama had done - but I do understand - was to go after W.’s crew. Instead they are still floating up to the toilet bowl like Bolton and Yee. 

It’s a good opening salvo. Hopefully we can push it further. These dickbags are gong to push back a lot and it is to be expected. We are however at a tipping point. People may actually be fed up this time. 

Noted. I’m new here and didn’t know. Thanks. 

Yes, you got me. That’s wxactly what I want.

Damn straight. But right now I’ll settle on having actual teachers help craft school curriculum and get rid of the destructive standardization we currently have.

Again with a presumption. Very typical of someone who has never done a goddamned thing in their life. I will never be lectured to by a twat like you. The work I’ve done since I’ve been of voting age would astound you, mostly because it involved me getting off your ass for more than 2 hours at a time and, probably,

Yeah, I don’t care what you or any other sandersnista has to say. I’ve over your guff. Stay here on blogs like this and have a good time moving back/forth, back/forth,back/forth,
back/forth, on this shit all goddamned day. Instead of oscillating

Well tell me where you live and I’d be happy to pay you a visit. Is that what you want?

That would be atypical, I imagine. Now continue to fuck off. 

And yet you replied. Admirable, I guess. Have fun whacking it to South Park 15 years after it was relevant.

Oh, and fuck off. 

That’s not true and you know it. *lots of spaces* But keep going. People are more focused on AOC and Omar now and every attack - be it from whomever - is focusing on the substance of their policies instead of the crap on social media. Which is a good thing.

Oh hey, a Clinton said something? To the front of the blog it goes! Yay!!!!!!!

According to that guy’s logic - based on what he’s stated - some must suffer lest the democrats look like they’re comprising in any form or fashion. 

Yes. Now shut the fuck up.

I think the only way to curtail this brutal attack on the free press is to telecast every speaking event and document every story from his point of view.

~some if not all media outlets

Yes, that’s exactly what I said, you putz.

I’m sure the comfort of knowing you are not affected directly by having the government shut down - food stamps, housing, health care, your income - allows you to comment on a blog and bitch about democrats. I bet you’re the type of person who loves to float high ideas and aspirations and then do jack and shit to