
I'd be worried that if these bikes were too valuable, riders might become "bikejack" victims too. An unfortunate reality of Chicago and a lot of other cities.

As a fellow bike owner and bike sharer, I completely agree. I wouldn't give up either.

Yep. After 30 minutes it's $1.50 for minutes 30-60, $4.50 for minutes 60-90 and $6.00 for each additional 30 minutes after 90 minutes (https://www.divvybikes.com/pricing). The idea being that Divvy isn't for a day trip, it's for errands. Keeping the bike for 2 hours will cost you an additional $12. Not the end of

Those are some clever students! :)

Solid point. But if you're covering that much ground, you're likely going considerably faster than the rider and other traffic is used to. It almost seems like an ebike option needs to be for more experienced riders, which is counter to who might need one.

I'm in Chicago and use Divvy, our bike share program, regularly. I own a bike that I use for distance, exercise and sport, but it's too expensive to leave out on the street for one way trips and quick errands. So I use Divvy to get to and from work, Trader Joe's, the bar (don't judge me), etc.

Thanks for another great article. IW is quickly becoming one of my favorite reads while trapped in the office.

Other than the technology, is this any different than any other privately operated mass transit? Here in Chicago most of the major office buildings contract with a local service to take commuters to and from the train stations headed to the suburbs. Other bus services are contracted with universities to bring their

I'll be posting an ad this weekend. $15/hr for teens to get off my lawn.

I can't agree with this more. I've been doored twice and nearly caused the same accident when rushing to exit a cab a few years ago.

I couldn't agree more. This is all I want. Maybe add a hidden dart board with some matching paneling? That's my only possibly improvement.

Mead Fat Lil Five Star Notebook

Sorry, to be clear I was thinking we'd remove the ceiling age. The minimum age of 18 (right? I think it's 18) would be removed. Let people be drafted for service from the 18 - retirement, say 65.

I wonder why there would be a draft age at all if the force of the future relies more on brains than brawn? Youth, while valuable, becomes less important as physical exertion becomes less the norm of the armed forces.

I live in Chicago and to be honest owning a car (let along driving it) is a huge pain in the ass. I'm within walking distance to my office, so I do so all year round. A overwhelming majority of my colleagues that live here in the city use public transportation or cycle to the office. Point is this can be done right

My girl and I installed these about 6 months ago. It really went WAY smoother than expected and turned out better as well. A surprising relief from my normal DIY projects. We've had no durability issues and no peeling either. When we tell people that they're essentially stickers, they literally walk up to see the

My girlfriend bought an x-grill a few years ago. It's not a very good grill honestly, but "looks pretty" (until it's filthy with soot). If someone you know is really demanding of a stylish grill rather than a functional grill, you could do worse. Especially for < $50

Unrelated...is anyone else getting having issues with images not loading across Gawker sites?