This worries me as well, and it could be a problem for teachers in any subject area. I'm imagining teachers getting into all sorts of trouble for pointing out a logical fallacy in a student's work (an essay, presentation, etc.), and the student claiming that their point is valid because it conforms to a religious

It also sounds like this is gonna screw with science teachers. If a student says the world is 6000 years old on a homework assignment does that mean they don't lose points?

It sounds like if Jesus says the answer to 2 + 2 is 5, then you can't mark a student incorrect. Which is alarming.

I like how the Right loves to call liberal policies out as "Orwellian"...

When I got married, I was in the situation as you describe as we'd already been living together and had a reasonably furnished home. We made no mention of gifts on the wedding invitation (as this is indeed considered Tacky As Hell), and I politely turned down bridal shower offers. Result: most people gifted ca$h and

Always 100% tacky to ask for cash. Sorry. A request for cash (for whatever purpose) is the fastest way to ensure I DON'T give you cash.

This is when I cackle in mean girl satisfaction: I'm from Eastern Europe, where it's not only acceptable but traditional to give the young couple money. There's also a going rate per person that everyone magically knows (various factors affect it). Depending on how smart one is about their wedding and how rich their

Here's a neat trick to counterbalance the outrageous costs of a wedding and reception: Stop fucking spending thousands of dollars on a few hours of "this is my special day, look how pretty I am." If you cannot afford a wedding and a honeymoon, maybe you should stop throwing money away like it isn't the difference

I started asking for money or donations on my behalf to charities that I like (ie. foodbank) and people are strangely rather resistant to this idea.

No on on the honeymoon fund. Gifts are always optional at weddings, sorry, but they are. And asking your guests to fund your honeymoon seems a bit tacky to me. Don't take a honeymoon if you can't afford it. Same with people who ask for cash gifts towards a house or something. It's not up to your guests to pay for that

Rather than not being a perfect example, I don't think this article has anything to do with your statement. Nobody was allowed to decorate their caps with anything. Nobody else was "celebrated" for having feathers or beads in their graduation cap. There was no cultural appropriation going on here at all. And nobody

. . . I don't actually see the racist replies. Which ones are you referring to?

This story had nothing to do with cultural appropriation.

Honestly, many young women only wear bindis for fashionable purposes these days. The meaning behind them is not really paid attention too much. Older women still hold onto the tradition, but the religious meaning isn't so important anymore. Relax. The white women aren't stealing it from us, we are sharing it with them.

OBVIOUSLY this whole thing is disgusting, but oh do I feel for this girl. It says she's 5'9. I know exactly the feeling of putting on a skirt or a dress or a pair of shorts that seems to be a perfectly normal length on everyone else but looks totally obscene on me because I'm tall.

Yeah, considering Kim Kardashian has fucked Nick Cannon in the past, I seriously doubt that. I'm sure Mariah has a burn book/collection of voodoo dolls of anyone who has ever even shaken hands with Nick Cannon.

In the second pic she looks like a tanned white woman. Reminded me of Elle McPherson. Call me cynical but this one looks lightened.

Would've been interesting if she talked about black women who have light skin privilege in the fashion industry. This is, of course, not an attack on her personally. But for every Naomi Campbell, there's probably three Tyra Banks' in the industry who've made it, and that's unfortunate.

$12k is a ridiculous amount. I know people that make only twice that in one year. My best friends are currently planning a $2k wedding which is a large amount for them and I think it sounds like the best party I will be at for years. Outdoor venue . Casual dress. Multiple people making homemade dishes that are their