
ooooh member Gus Fring?

Red on yella, kill a fella.

Wow. It looks so striking! Like all coral snakes, I suppose.

I’m looking to form a club.

admit it....how many other people clicked on this waiting for that crazy dude who gets bit by shit to show how bad it is???

No. There is no more Note 7. Just buy something else.

The pilots were doing burnouts

I guess that shipment of Note 7's is gonna be a little late

also, tesla has gone and fixed all of those issues for customers that had the issues. Inconvenient sure, but I don’t think it cost the owners a penny for them to have the issues fixed.

Someone please tell the director that jump cuts in VR is ABSOLUTELY FUCKING INFURIATING!!!! I WANT TO SEE WHATS BEHIND THAT THING THERE!

Unfortunately it’s been years since I’ve seen it.

(And the sad thing is, I recently moved within walking distance of the university parking lot where I used to see it.)

Here’s an even more well-done one from California:

Good enough for a 777, good enough for a BMW i8!

That wrap is....Ghastly....

I know Jesus too. He drives an older Nissan pick-up truck, filled with lawnmowers, hedge clippers, and weedwhackers. Jesus mows and manicures my mum’s lawn once a month. Muchas gracias, Jesus.

Of course they were going for the cat. The platinum group metals in it are gold for dogs!

Homeboy needs to delegate.

and he didnt start racing until his late 30's, THERE IS HOPE FOR US WORKING MEN!

But there was a hay bale or two and some caution tape. That stuff usually stops high-speed cars.

Yeah! Fuck entertainment! Wasn’t everyone complaining about how back in the day racers were larger than life and had actual personalities? But when Lewis gets bored of doing press conferences they all think that he’s just being a baby. If I were a rich racecar driver, I would probably not give a damn about press

Hey, a racer with an actual personality. Let’s circlejerk and bash him!