
No, you get opposing dealerships telling you to "just pick a side already, gosh!"

Not that I'm against the religious fundamentalism/capitalism overlap conversation, but my sense is that money alone isn't really the point here, but rather getting funds to pay for the "Birthing of God's Mighty Warriors" aka the Quiverfull movement (and that's not liberal hyperbole, actual title of one of the

I empathize with the writer's feelings and difficulties. But as a fat-as-hell woman, I believe that she is adding to rather than mitigating the problem of how fat women are perceived. Wear what you want, ear what you want, go where you want, date who you want....it is imperative! There are actual studies, which I

Actually, a douchebag is an outdated, unnecessary, supposedly hygienic product that doctors advise against using, as it can cause or worsen infections and throw the balance of the area completely off. So...pretty good insult, I'd say.

That's exactly what he means. Which is why that I often go out of my way to ensure my back/shoulder tattoo is visible in court. None of the judges care because I do a good job.

PLEASE LET DOLLY PARTON GUEST-STAR; the world can end afterward, completed.

Now that my periods have ended, I find myself increasingly radical (as in angry) about how culture perceives menstruation. My periods were brutal, long and painful. Had one half of the human population had not acted revolted by women's reproductive cycles, perhaps my own experiences would have been more tolerable.

She's not going to like how the book ends.

Hip-hop needs women. Hip-Hop is often too stupid to realize it.

There! Better?

Although not technically a drawing, I've always liked the original Mini Cooper cut aways.


Hoser Hoses Hose with Hose Hookup

North America, I don't think so. In Canada, or at least Ontario, I don't recall ever hearing someone say the r. It's not a full on French accent but we have enough exposure to French here to naturally say it a little closer to their way.

How else are you supposed to say "croissant"?

Canada, I love your television Olympic coverage. I love your kindness towards athletes of other nationalities (such as that touching moment with the Canadian coach and the Russian skier). I love how you guys humble brag, it is endearing. I love you don't just think about yourself when sharing beer. Basically, Canada,

Yeah, we're pretty much the best part of the Winter Olympics.

Pretty sure my old Mini had crystal headlights

I live in Vancouver, and spend a lot of time in the downtown eastside. The Portland Hotel Society does good work, and they are not exaggerating when they say this is very important for the community. The federal Conservatives are full of shit on this issue. I suspect that their opposition to every harm reduction

stoptimus prime