and psn doesn't?
and psn doesn't?
Wow is all I have to say. So because the 360 is getting one exclusive you are now not going get it? I assume you didn't buy kinect also.
I want a sci-fi game like starship troopers before this.
Still a piece of crap and breaks half the time.
look at that more maps from the campaign....
They are alright but the pack is not worth $15 if you do not play multiplayer more than 5 hours a week and don't play zombies.
I am sorry but this is absurd. Movies show way more stuff than a video game has ever shown including actual rape and sexual violence.
There was an update that added worlds 12 and 13.
I hope they fix the hit detection issues and get GOOD servers this time.
You forgot zune.
I love you Behemoth but this is just stupid. I put up with hackers, glitchers, broken multiplayer and long waits for meh dlc and then you give us 360 owners the shaft. Not cool.
@Dr_Pie: I assume all you did was shoot right?
I dont really care if it is "jif" I will ALWAYS call it gif.
@d4rk-h4x0rer: It takes literally 6 to 8 months before cod dlc is put on sale.
No adw ex launcher?
I hope xbox live gets this.
Meh del taco is better especially there awesome chicken tacos.
@awesomemonster: I have played the game for about 2 hours and here are my thoughts.
I thought that sony could not patch this.