So how do I get a beta code?
So how do I get a beta code?
Why does this even matter now that you can use usb drives?
I have to say i can not wait to see what they do with zombies.
@TitillatedOcelot: There is a very good reason why it is blocked too.
Floppy you had a great run and I hope your successor (the usb drive) has such a great one as yours.
@Goldwings: Sun tip #6 - The sun is a star (I didn't know that :S): Thanks for having star in your name and getting me all excited but I think that sandwich rivals mine for people who like the club house.
I actually tried doing this for chaos theory but after 8 hours I turned my 360 off in fear of rrod.
If only it was this good on android.
@Maritan: Isn't this a good thing?
That ass.
But halo started it.
@BK Beezy: Why would I go to a place with screaming children, crappy food, and crappy prizes?
I love playing this at the local chuckie cheese when I go there with my brother.
Man looks like they threw that together in 1 hour. (including the time it took to build the sets.)
@lurkingsalt: Well that is one reason but the only only good not m games released any more are by nintendo and fighting games.
@pen.suhl: Well if that is true then there must be a ton of r rated movies on the top 50 grossing of all time right?
Maybe we would not have this issue if every single hot new release was not rated m.
I just can not stand final fantasy any more. They just need to move on and try something different.
Whatever it takes I will get those dolls.