
I was going to buy this but now since it is ad-hoc only I will not be buying.


@JohnnyricoMC: Then why on the 60 and 120gb drives they have only 1 to 2 gb or less for that?

@Brodka: regrettably: Yah but I hate how people keep saying it is a 20gb hard drive, if it was I would not only have 1gb left in space.

@ExistentialEgg: Your 20gb hard drive is not even 20gb but a disgusting 13gb.

And this is bad why?

@Zac Ragon: I got pissed off because you assumed that without actually owning it but that is besides the point. People have the right not to listen to every single asshole and douche bag that they run into the lobby and just talk to there friends, but you are right for it being banned in tactical games that require

@scrapking: I could care less about a $199 elite what I really want is a $50 120gb hard drive...

@Pyro3000: How the f*** do you see people in party chat in mw2 when it is banned in almost all of the playlists.

@dracosummoner: I got it for my ipod nano a couple years back and it was pretty fun not sure if it is worth $10 though...

So are we going to get $199 360 elite?

I am most likely in the %1 that has an internet connection but has never pirated anything in there life. My way of looking at it so what if you were not going to buy it still does not give you the right to have it. It is sometimes hard that I can not play the latest games because I am broke but it does give me pride

@OriginalGman: As usual they gimp out on us non ps3 owners.

@Archaotic: Same I am preordering once amazon has it for preorder.

@OriginalGman: Multiplayer you say will this include wifi?

I don't name pokemon simple as that I like just calling them by there original name. (except my stater pokemon they will always be called victer.)

@deanbmmv: Oh well that kills any dreams of demon souls on the 360.

@AXSLV2: Wtf happened dude?

Serves them right for being ignorant to new ip's.

And yet these are all better deals than mw2's map pack.