System Idle Process

How Gizmodo Titled Yet Another Article Will Cause You to Lose a Bit of Respect for the Site

Any chance this was a photoshopped lie as well? Just double checking...

What? Gizmodo used to be a pretty decent tech site. Over the past couple of years there was a downturn on quality content. After Gawker killed itself off it seems like the trashy gossip bullshit Gawker lived off has moved over to other sites under the conglomerate.


yes, a waterproof phone surviving being submerged a couple of seconds is the exact same thing as a nonwaterproof phone surviving being submerged a year.

I’ve lived in 6 different cities and drive a commercial vehicle. I’ve driven all over every continental state. In my experience, the areas that actually follow these are the exception and not the rule. Most places just name stuff following whatever theme they want for the neighborhood. In my last neighborhood, things

Well, we’re not that good at it.

Regular airplanes use this airspace too. Planes arriving from west of the Hudson River may have to adjust their flight plans.

It’s not the DNC for being biased, or the majority of the Democrats for picking the wrong candidate. It’s not the fault of Trump apparently running a superior campaign. No, it lies squarely with Bernie supporters, though we don’t have a good idea how many of them actually voted third party, or would have ignored the

The turbine itself isn’t causing them. It is the base of the windmill. As the current flows past it creats turbulance at the bottom and that kicks up sand around the base that is then carried away. This could be reduced by changing the shape of the base/

“If you’ve upgraded to the iPhone 7, but refuse to upgrade your headphones, then congratulations, you get to carry a tiny dongle with you wherever you go.”

Or stop being stupid and keep it attached to those very headphones that you love so much.

And then a Crank/xXx crossover!

You can also just use some shaped ice cubes in a ziplock. If the freezer warms up enough for them to change shape significantly you’ll know power was out. The coin\cup seems cool but more complicated than it needs to be.

Can we please stop encouraging people to put these in their packs and blast them while hiking, biking, etc. We do those activites to escape the noise, not to be forced to listen to your music/news/general nonesense.

Can we please stop encouraging people to put these in their packs and blast them while hiking, biking, etc. We do

I think it follows a pattern of headlines. {Gerund} Beautiful {Noun} is {Expression of Intelligence}. Maybe some sort of Headline Making Bot and/or Script. Possibly the first stirrings of a self aware sentience in Kinja... well.. more than possibly. I for one welcome our new Headline Making Overlords.

Guys, what kind of spoons are you using? Mine are just roughly half-spherical bowls with long, thin, flat handles. Where’s the challenge cleaning?

Hey sorry I was at the gym.

Yes, it’s just like how Sean Murray described NMS multiplayer as possible, but rare due to the size of the game. Except, y’know, it’s true

Before, we foolishly thought that the moon was created when a Mars-sized object collided (forcefully) with the a young Earth. Now, we wisely see that the moon was created when a Mars-sized object collided (more forcefully) with the young Earth. It’s like the blinders are off and finally we can see just how wrong we

This is MX-410. He is canon.