Isn’t MS365 still OneDrive?
Isn’t MS365 still OneDrive?
I’m not religious, and I curse like a sailor, but why does the title need to use “goddamn” as emphasis for spa? It just seems odd. Like a preteen throwing in cuss words to see what they can get way with.
Thank you for not making this a slide show.
Millennials are currently 25-40 years old. It’s not a blanket term for “kids these days”.
I like my instant pot, but eggs is one thing I’ve never understood in them. I’ve tried it, and it was fine, but it seems just as fast, if not faster to do them on the stove and the results are about the same.
They were describing their journalistic style, not the tips.
It’s available to his patreon backers at different resolution levels depending on your backer level. He also gives the script to collect the data yourself.
I’m actually less nervous about this because it touches the outside...isn’t the inside thinly coated in plastic (at least soda cans are)? That’s why I wouldn’t want to heat up anything in a can.
Huh...human money. I like it.
Haha...25 years? I don’t think so. It’s only been around since windows 95 and that was...wait. Carry the one... oh god.
Protect ya neck!
Well....the link ends in “realness”, so what more proof do you need that it’s real?
It’s a little weird on an article about a game free through Epic you say “if you buy the game on steam” and then all mod links are to the Steam client.
And 3) Proves to everyone on the road how big your penis really is.
I know this article is about baked in features, but if you like a different image every time you open a tab, I really like the Chrome extension that opens a different place on google earth with every blank tab opening.
25% review score where? I ordered the non-pan from amazon...2 day shipping, and a coworker got the pan with no issues.
25% review score where? I ordered the non-pan from amazon...2 day shipping, and a coworker got the pan with no…
Is that the update for the sonic movie? Looks so much better.