System Idle Process

Did I just see something cool flash on my screen for a 1/4 second? Guess I’ll just wait for it to cycle back around because I don’t want to click on the article in case it wasn’t what I thought it was.

Did I just see something cool flash on my screen for a 1/4 second? Guess I’ll just wait for it to cycle back around

I wondered about that too. But when they can things, aren’t they usually heated in the can to sterilize/pasturize?

>didn’t read the article

Didn’t they do this with Puss in Boots?

Pixar is starting to run out of benefit of the doubts.

Yeah...fucking Trump man. Wait..who were we talking about?

So...didn’t read the article, huh?

Generally, dictionaries aren’t a rule book for how a word is to be used, but a record of how words were and are used. They document how word usage changes and if a significant number of people literally use the word literally to mean figuratively, then they document that.

Is this a description for the movie treatment? Unless I read the wrong story there’s no disappearing student who was hired to spread the word about Earnest

You’re not my supervisor!

Then why do eminent domain lawyers exist? There are several reasons they can go to court for (if they can prove environmental concern, threat to their livelihood, unfair buyout price). They will fail...but they will still go to court and take up time.

They are not woefully ignorant. We all know about eminent you honestly think their lawyers don’t? I think they are just trying to be a pain in the ass. They know they will lose whatever part of the land is needed for the wall, but their lawyers are going to drag it out as long as possible. It will stall

That is amazing. It even looks like she’s mid eye-roll.

Flag code isn’t law. They can fly it until it’s frayed beyond recognition, wear it, do whatever they want. But when you start criticizing people for not respecting the flag, then I think it’s apt to point out to them that there is a code to show proper respect. While not law, there is procedure out there to actually

Before headlamps were a thing we didn’t wear bike helmets. We were men...and we walked off our concussions.

Did that gif just turn me gay? I’m pretty sure it did. I’m ok with that.

According to Keepa, this is the lowest price it’s been on Amazon. I think it deserves to be here.

According to Keepa, this is the lowest price it’s been on Amazon. I think it deserves to be here.

That’s not in the episode.

He’s a pretty decent model maker then. I don’t think I would go through that much trouble to source tiny gutters and down spouts for a 5 second clip.