Not only amused me, but was also very informative. I cracked up when he got to the theme music.
Not only amused me, but was also very informative. I cracked up when he got to the theme music.
MSG gets a bad rap these days, unfortunately.
"it doesn't offer up a satisfying version for blowing the guys ahead of me either"
I don't even like dogs and thinking about that episode makes me tear up.
Why do goggles always = steampunk? Because you need them when operating steam powered machinery?
Just the kind of article title I love to have popup in my news feed when I'm at work. Thanks Jesus.
This is something I've always wanted to see in a big game. Huge dense cities with hundreds or thousands of buildings. Like a real city would be. Even the biggest city in something like TES series feel too small and unpopulated.
Unless it's been going into other orifices than the mouth, I don't think anyone is really doing it wrong.
Can't seem to find the student pricing. I click on the home&student link, but the price is definitely more than $80 / 4 years.
Why are you writing an article on the same subject as (and linking to) an article you wrote in 2011?
"The group is full of unique people, wearing different hairdos and clothes. " started as a picture of soup, and a basic description (hey look at this great sausage and kale soup I made...or something like that). People wanted a recipe...recipe ensued, I ate well that day. Saying it's stupid to put a picture up of something you made seems a little odd. People are proud of their…
How do you know no one cares? I recently saw a photo on facebook of home made soup that looked and sounded delicious. Got the recipe myself and made some great soup because of someone taking a picture of a recipe they were proud of.
Wait...I thought I was recently told by gizmodo and/or kotoku and/or Wil Wheaton or someone that there is no such thing as a fake nerd girl.
My first thought was 'those just look like snowflakes'. But you kept going on about how you'll post the solution in an hour, and how you have to give a helping hand...I thought that snowflakes would be too easy then. I clicked the answer and was disappointed.
Or numerical ones.
Seems like he's trying way too hard to deliver funny/blue dialog. Some people can do this well, not him. Makes me wish Mr. Plinkett reviewed games, though.
Unfortunately there's an Amazon distribution center in my town. I've always been charged taxes. I can't remember the rule, but I think if they have a physical presence in your county (state maybe) then they have to charge state tax.
I see it now. sarcasm detector must be on the fritz.