
And moreover, did they give you sexy trading cards of themselves after you had disease-free relations with them?

Good, because neither of those is Bloodborne, so I can’t be bothered to catch up now.

Somewhere in all this, Geralt is busy fathering the entire next generation of not-Europe.

Sorry, but Botched Heart Surgery Dragon beat you to it. Good luck with your crappy game about nothing, though.

Future Korea has some weird RPG classes, like Coatrack Downshirtcam here.

I started using “NO, YOU GIMME YOUR LUNCH MONEY.” and stuck with it.

I dunno, he seemed pretty fast. Of course, I just moved with him whenever he moved, so I guess he never got a bead on me. Working my way into Old Yharnum to kill the BSB now, who I understand is like a spastic gecko on steroids.....

I was actually surprised at how easy the Cleric Beast was. I just hung out near his hind quarters and whacked away.

Inflammatory articles like this do nothing to mend things. Inciting more anti-police violence, so they'll be even more on edge and more snap shooting will happen isn't the answer. Yes, the cop should have radioed for the guy to be intercepted by more cops instead of blazing away, but vilifying all police forever won't


They seriously need to fix this ugly-ass Enterprise....

Climb up a long, long ass ladder somewhere secluded.

Your proper tactical spot in this fight is right goddamn here. I was still shaking for like half an hour after I pounded him to death.

Sure there is. Climb halfway up a long, long ladder. Then go do whatever.

You’re going to hate me, but last night I stuck close to him (as in, right on his furry pelvis the whole damn time) and beat him to death with my switchblade axe thing and every Molotov I had.

Fighting a mob of anything in a Souls game is tantamount to suicide. Don’t do it.

I want this controller.

You know who wouldn’t have stood for some Death Star droid jacking his main squeeze?

Whoever you are, just stop drawing. Now. Dear god.