
Written for 2.5 hours, then shafted to 2 during production, then panicky reshoots to bring it up to 3.

Wrong user. Nevermind this. Ladida.

Some might say that a remake of RHPS is unnecessary, but I heartily contest the very notion of unnecessary RHPS remakes. Looking forward to it. Also, more musicals on tv and at the movies, yay.

“ I’d actually support mandatory gun safety classes for all firearms owners”

A “Nearby”-system that is based on pokestops? Well, that’s great in the city where I can pass 27 pokestops in 10 minutes... Less so in my smaller town where I have 3 pokestops over 2.5 km, and a fourth one perhaps 5km from that, and then two more at perhaps twice that distance.

Also, it being an accident implies that the worker in question didn’t experience much pre-death dread and fear. If you plan to die, even if instantaneous, youll have to actually press the button and deal with all the “what will happen to my family”-thoughts.

I’ve thought all these changes odd. Worsening the nearby-feature, making it harder to catch pokemon, harder to detect pokemon, closing pokevision, especially at a time when honeymoon phase is starting to dissipate.

I hope it does. If the story can be closed by season 8, there is no need for it to go on further.

You need to find the corpse to bury it, too.

The book is like that, too. You mainly just ... follow the protagonist, Shadow, as he does a bunch of things fand meets a bunch of people, many of whom are gods.

“(barring conversion of arable land to forest, which is a good way to get famines,)“

“Some animals will die”

You don’t need to know American Gods to know that it’s an autopsy scar. It’s fairly obvious.

And a former aquaintance of the Doctor, like Capaldis face is.

So... What they wanted wasn’t so much a story about Mort, Death’s apprentice, as a story about Mort, the intern in accounting?

We don’t have a lot of them, though I do believe that they’ve seen a bit of an upswing in recent years.

YES PLEASE. More Barrowman on my screen.

I do remember the Clinton/Lewinsky affair, so probably that. Was around seven at the time. I remember the news stories about the WTC on the 12th, and the assault + subsequent death of the Swedish foreign minister on the 10th resp 11th of september 03.

Intent is not the entirety. If it was, there’d be no issue with me calling you a “dimwit whose lack in brains is matched only by your lack of purpose upon this world”, so long as my intent with those words is something along the lines on “Good Morning”.

LMD. Everyone is an LMD. The MCU is really only the sequel to Blade Runner.