
What a prick. This is on par with those crybabies that try to pay their speeding tickets in pennies.

I mean, it may be cherry-picking, but these sort of bloated, unnecessary, meandering moments are all I remember about the various modern JRPGs I’ve played. I think he unintentionally hit the nail on the head.

Every single developer of software and hardware and every employee of such must be vetted for thier political beliefs and voting history. It’s the only way.

There is nothing deeply or fatally flawed about Okami. Just because it had poor sales doesn’t mean its fans or the critics were wrong about it. I don’t really understand the criticism given here about the progression mechanics, either, or why someone felt the need to write a hit piece against a beloved 10-year-old

Barnacle find.

The E3 2014 gameplay trailer is pretty damning. You can sit here and say people worked themselves into a frenzy with hype, but when you have a trailer that specifically says GAMEPLAY and then you play the game for yourself and it’s nothing like that, that’s not gamers working themselves up with hype and then it not

Yes those poor women always vastly underrepresented on cosplay picture compilations.

If only there was a voice for these poor, marginalized females because no one on the internet anywhere every pays attention to a woman who is cosplaying.

Truly this needed to be a women-only gallery. Keep fighting the good fight.

I don’t agree with the lawsuit, I do think Tesla isn’t helping in these cases with their marketing, however.

“Only the WIRED 360 controller worked as it should.”

Nobody wants to see grown hairy men fuck, however, boobs. Everyone loves boobs. Both gay men AND straight women. Everyone loves boobs

Well, I am a Person of Color (Indian Colored, to be exact) and I agree with Colbert.

“Had the changes affected gameplay I might be a little miffed, but they don’t, so I’m not.”

I don’t mind censorship in games aimed at a general audience. In this game I wonder who the censorship is even for? Its an absolutly niche product aimed at a niche audience. Justt seems to be done to prevent some preemptive outrage instead of tailoring a product for the actual people buying it. Hell this game didn’t

Can we all just admit that the LaFerrari was doing a burn out, not attempting to actually pull the motorcycle? If he had let off the brakes it would have been bye-bye bike.

The black kid would pull out his gun?

Not to mention that we do know how it works: not at all. Players have gone over the game with a fine toothed come and come up with nothing. This is no “situation” in which poise does a goddamn thing.

They made stationary hubs that look like brake rotors. That’s a lot of effort for a design detail that makes no sense. Facepalm.

Judging by their past bugs, I expect this will be patched in time for Dark Souls 5, unless a fan patch comes out in 2 hours that fixes this bug, doubles the frame rate and makes the controls more responsive.

This is what happens now huh? Someone has a different opinion and everyone seeks to internet shame them huh? “how dare you have a different opinion than the hive mind! Quick everyone write articles and tweetshame”. this isn’t news, this is a lynch mob for thinking differently.

(Im assumung you mean new cars with this question) I think the F-type is a sleek, smooth beauty. But if you count restomods, I would pick a Singer 911 based on looks alone.