Funny seeing everyone praise how awesome this is but if it were a character in a game you same people would be whining and crying about "skin tight suit" "robots don't have boobs" "impossible pose, look at her back" "another skinny female" "made for the male gaze" "real women don't look like that"…
I like the article overall Evan. One thing that I did disagree with that popped out:
Specifically, the Tesla Model 3. The $35,000 all-electric car coming to fight fossil-fueled powered vehicles like the Mercedes C-Class and the BMW 3-series.
Not everyone has enormous boobs. I don't, for example. And not everyone with large breasts is keen to show them…
What if your criticism can't be feasibly addressed?
ugh Patricia still works here. Haven't heard any totally sexist super feministic article lately. Why isn't a female lead character in every game?
Collier, I will disagree with you on. As a man with an afro normally cut it every two years so it can be made into a small wig(s) for those who can't grow hair because of treatments etc (new regulations suck that it now needs to be 7 inches vs 4, sorry for tangent). When I attend an opera or broadway show, I know not…
It's pretty easy. When you don't like something and people run up to you screaming, "THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT YOU ARE A SEXIST HOMOPHOBE!" can see how that might ruffle a few feathers. And the key thing is that if fishing and trains aren't your bag, you aren't being accused of…
Too bad that the "wage gap" is not about women being paid less for the same work with the same qualifications. The "wage gap" is invariably calculated as average salary, apples to oranges that completely ignores differentials in education, occupation, experience and other qualifications. It's like comparing the pay…
>Throughout all of this, there's one company that's shifted its focustowards the American market.
Oh yay, it's today's mandatory article about men being assholes in every form of media and women being victims in everything.
Mass Effect 3 is on sale for the umpteenth time, too bad it will still cost you $50, that's FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS, to get the story based DLC for the game because Bioware points (the existence of which is inexplicably stupid and undermines EA having their own store in the first place) never go on sale. It should be…
How about some DLC sales? so what Mass Effect 3 is on sale for $6 when there is $40+ of DLC all at full price......
*visits Origin homepage, sees its in French* Oh look, seems like EA still hasnt found the button that makes it remember my language selection. Well, I guess I should be happy I can at least manually pick the language.
What is the thing between the front fender and bumper on the lip of the wheel arch?
Having a gay playable protagonist means absolutely nothing if the context of the game doesn't suit the character. For the average person picking up the new Halo, it wouldn't have mattered whatsoever if Master Chief turned out to be a homosexual; Delsin Rowe could very well end up being gay when we get our hands on Infa…
Steam sales are universally awesome, right? Everyone gets cheap games, developers sell a ton of games, we're all…
Grandma, what thick eyebrows you have!
For those just joining us from twenty years ago, Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson hates a lot of things. There is…