
Why hasn’t the father been granted custody if the mother is so awful? I wish I could find the answer to that one?

I read somewhere that she was The Other Woman in her current husband’s divorce.

I’m quite curious if that (and any fall out with the kids/ her husband’s ex) has anything to do with her behavior Re: this case.

The kids were not parties in the divorce. The mother and father are the only ones the judge can ‘punish’ in this case.

Did you read the transcript?

There’s plenty to speculate on wrongly re: the parents actions.

There’s no room to speculate on the judge’s terrible behavior.

He lives there and works as a well respected automotive safety researcher.

Still, seeing as how his kids live just 30 miles outside of Detroit (the Motor City)...it seems like there might be a position here if he really wants to rebuild a “healthy relationship” with his kids.

Still none of this is here nor there

They did but literally only moments before the incident happened. Judge is literally the worst.

This is the most aggravating thing about family court in this county anyway. Once you have a judge he/she’s yours for the duration. There’s no appealing to someone else. If your family judge hates you (like mine hates me) you’re truly screwed no matter what else happens.

So instead of doing that this judge put the kids in juvenile detention instead of taking custody away from the mother?

Sound decision! /s

This is what I think more than it being a love triangle or something.

She does have two stepkids and was the other woman before marrying her prosecutor husband.

They’d be hard pressed to do 50/50 therapy since the dad lives in Israel. Because he really cares about the kids obviously.

There are no jobs for well respected automotive safety researchers...particularly not in the *Motor City* \s

There is NOTHING in those files that would warrant putting the children in lock up.

I would put money on this.

It’s possible that they need to be put in therapy, that their mother needs to be jailed or forced to therapy.

But the judge is full of shit.

I’m so sorry. I think there is some swinging of the pendulum toward “father’s rights” without keeping the best interests of the kids at the very forefront.

I’m not saying both parent’s rights shouldn’t be protected and given equal consideration. But ultimately it is about the kids.

I’m gearing up for a battle with my

They’re at a popular Jewish summer camp in Michigan. It’s not therapeutic in any way.

However they’re likely among their peers so at least they’re having fun and away from the ridiculous behavior of the “adults” who run their lives.

Yes he is the judge’s husband.

He was convicted of libel against the family and is being forced to pay them $1 million dollars + personally because he was not employed by the county when he made the statements.

He’s awful. So is she.

In my opinion the judge in this case is the only clear villain on all sides. Then both the parents.

And the kids are the only one suffering the consequences of all the adult’s bad behavior and that is ludicrous.

I knew it was more complicated than the headline.

But I know one thing for sure from reading the judge’s words directed at those kids.

That judge is fucked up in the head and had no right to do what she did.

I’d definitely try, the fact that he hasn’t even tried says a lot to me.

If my kids were being punished because of me and my ex’s behavior I’d do whatever it took to convince the judge we were all cool.

Even if I thought my kids were being poisoned against me I’d be in therapy with them trying really hard to

Right? “Look your dad in the eye and say that” FUCK THIS SHIT

This article sheds some light on the bigger picture Judge Gorcyca and her husband, the former county prosecutor who was recently found liable for statements about a couple who were wrongly accused of sexually abusing their autistic daughter.

YES! The court appointed lawyers seem to be trying to appease the judge all the way along. SO FUCKING GROSS