I feel that Don lost interest in Meghan when she asked him to help her get that commercial. I think he did like controlling her, but also liked the idea of her being capable and self sufficient.
I feel that Don lost interest in Meghan when she asked him to help her get that commercial. I think he did like controlling her, but also liked the idea of her being capable and self sufficient.
K-Stew is Lloyd Dobler?
I think she deserves a gold star for her choice.
I'm pretty sure Stoya and James are dating.
I think TSwift comes off as needy, whiny, and emotionally immature. JLaw doesn't have a filter—which can be annoying, but I prefer that over someone with TSwift's persona.
Yep. I had this exact reaction. I like Seth Myers on Weekend Update—but I don't want to watch him interview people. Seth Green would be fun—and since we both immediately pictured him, I think NBC should take our idea and run with it.
Very true. Unfortunately I have the feeling that if someone pointed this out, she would just accuse them of being mean to her.
Yes. I get it. She seems like a cool person, and yes she is very pretty—but I do think crushes do weird things to the mind. In my experience, I can be pretty happy with who I am/how I look, but as soon as I like someone all I see are the bad things about me. I don't think it's that farfetched to believe she might feel…
Me too. Ugh.
I agree. I was spanked as a child; it didn't happen often, but it was usually when I didn't respond to any other form of discipline. A few swift smacks to the bottom have not traumatized me as an adult.
Agreed. I know a lot of people who didn't want to see it because it was like "Twilight." I tried to explain that it wasn't!
I've been trying to figure that out since Baby One More Time was released.
I liked it. I thought the characters were interesting and the scenery was beautiful. Do you know if they're gonna make a sequel? I'm trying to read the book now—and it's ok, but I like the movie better.
I think they're lip syncing to their own voices. Cast members had to audition for the musical numbers—if you didn't sing well then you like never got one (I don't think Keri Russel did anything more than back up sing and dance).
You know, before Sam was cast, I thought Jesse would've been an amazing choice. At this point I want to see what Sam does before saying he doesn't deserve to be Finnick. People thought Tom Cruise was gonna ruin Lestat—and he was freakin' amazing! So in this long roundabout way, I'm saying I agree with you. I'm tired…
I don't have much faith in the police when it comes to helping sex workers. I recently found out that often police reports involving the assault/murder of sex workers contain the language NHI or No Humans Involved. :(
This is so upsetting. I agree we need to decriminalize sex work.
I like your version of things. :)
I kind of took that statement as the whole "gut feeling" about people. She probably shouldn't have limited to gender though.