
@in_media_res: I'd check out "Edie:American Girl," if you do want to know more. But she was rich, had a pretty messed up family life and never developed good coping skills, but wanted to be a star...

@blah: I'm an Edie fan too (in case that wasn't obvious).

@blah: Actually most Edie fans dislike her being compared with Paris Hilton. She was also a talented artist.

@in_media_res: Yeah, except I think Edie wanted to be more than just a rich drug addict. I know she was trying to become a legit actress and truly believed that Warhol would make her a star outside of their own little world.

@cisum88note: Clearly, he owns a Time Turner necklace.

@clevernamehere: That's exactly what I was going to say. I'm pretty sure a guy couldn't tell if his girlfriend gained 7 pounds without her telling him. And if a guy's going to cheat/leave after his partner gains weight, he doesn't seem like someone you'd want too keep around.

I think the first card is Kendall and Kylie, not Kourtney and Kim.

@want-to-be-in-LA: It's actress Paget Brewster, and she did play Kathy on Friends.

@Mian_Toris: I'm the same way. I had a "friend" who lost her mind a few months back and sent emails saying she'd show up at my house or send her friends after me. I blocked her on FB and have cut all contact, but I still haven't blocked her email for the very same reason you stated above.

@bakerstreet221b1: I agree that there is a problem with the way the media portrays things. That's one of the reasons I like Jezebel, because of the commenters who provide various sides to a story and fill in the gaps that for whatever reason have been left out.

@bakerstreet221b1: But the thing is America really doesn't give a shit about the royals unless they're getting married and then there's a moment of interest and then it fades. They're like a quaint nick-nack we see at a store and think "Aww, cute," but then continue down the aisle forgetting we ever saw it.

@vlvtjones: My friend once told me, "pregnancy is housing a parasite for 9 months, then having it exit your body violently."

@dukes_up: Ok the whole Lily Allen debacle happened in 2007 and was a result of Lily calling Cheryl’s band-mate "an ugly ginger." No, Cheryl’s response wasn’t mature and she would benefit from thinking things over before doing or saying anything.

@Allison: Word. This was just the wrong way to go about it. The last part of your comment was hilarious though.

@Candychelle: Thank you! I never understood how Kate got the role of Lois Lane; I was so disappointed.

@ohfreckledlady: I'm still bitter about there not being a season of Lizzie McGuire after movie came out!