Lol. Remember when Ramona bailed on heather’s weekend in the berkshires because she was having “flashbacks”? And when she threw a wine glass at kristen’s face that same weekend?
It takes a lot to be worse guest than Ramona was last year at Dorinda’s when she let her dog shit all over the fancy carpets, but somehow she found a way. Kidooze to you, Ramona!
If I were Luann I would not head to my wedding by way of the (cursed) heliport that was the site of the last time we saw Bethenny and Jason together, arguing, in the finale of Bethenny Ever After.
Oh yes, that sounds like a rational and logical take. Team controlling momager accused of physical abuse, and who twice lost custody after CPS found sufficient evidence of emotional abuse.
People can call me islamaphobic if they want, but the problem is that the islamic world is far, far right wing and the majority believe in political islam. Islam desperately needs a progressive liberal reformation as advocated by muslims like Irshad Manji and Majid Nawaz. It needs a sexual liberation movement. It…
You think you’re afraid, angered and/or disgusted? We live here. And we will continue to love our neighbours. We will continue to open our doors to friends and strangers alike. And we will continue to be the greatest goddamned city in the world.
Terror attacks aren’t an “epidemic” in Germany - fuck off with that hyperbolic bullshit.
As is often the case, they see only individuals making personal choices and not the collective action problem. The individual consumer choices of rich Americans will make little difference to the large problem of halting emissions in time to mitigate the worst-case climate scenarios.
Was that NipplesAndToes23 with the word and or Nipples&Toes23 with an ampersand?
How is rent in your neighborhood? Asking for a friend.
Ryan Seacrest is upset that Katy Perry is being offered way (waaaay) more to do American Idol than he is. [Page Six]
This lady, in additon to being a racist, sounds like a special class of fruit loop (O pioneer, if you move to a predominantly black neighborhood, maybe expect to see black folks standing on the sidewalk outside of your house?). But WTF is going on with the Southampton police? Per the Press:
Nah, it’s not. There are actually very few ways that kind of joke can be offensive in that context—the parents sang a song about the girl’s birth. They are just asking for jokes. I highly doubt that Tyra was like, “Ha ha, they didn’t want you, you were a mistake.”
Every side of the political spectrum can cast stones at each other, shouting about snowflakes and cucks... But HANDS DOWN, parents are the most easily offended group of people these days. (And it makes me laugh every single time)
This is on the same album as those other two. So, she recorded it long before the sales of the other two were known.
Two of my friends roped me into singing it with them in the 8th grade talent show and the one of them who was playing piano froze up and just stopped about 20 seconds in and never recovered, so the other two of us had to finish singing it very badly a cappella. I had actually forgotten that ever happened until this…