It's a beautiful episode, one that proved how adept the writers were at not only hitting the big laughs but reaching deeper too.
It's a beautiful episode, one that proved how adept the writers were at not only hitting the big laughs but reaching deeper too.
THANK YOU FOR EMPLOYING THE HILARIOUS AND AMAZING REBECCA BURT, JEZEBEL. Real talk: she is super funny and a very good person and a great friend. I'm really happy about this.
It's funny to watch how wrong you are about this. When the MRA crowd gets here from Reddit and starts spewing pea soup about how Deadspinners are living in the Matrix, you'll probably stick to your "Jezebel is irrational" spiel, too.
just the asshole internet. the rest of us read that as 'my mom had some ideas based on her idea of feminism that i don't agree with' and moved on with our lives.
JENNYAPPLES' MOM SAVED MY LIFE ONE TIME! She's probably the greatest woman the earth has ever known.
You can go fuck yourself too!
Thanks for that! Go fuck yourself.
Black leggings are like a Thneed. They're just a thing that everyone needs!!
That's not grease. That's my saliva. (I wish)
I was suckered into clicking the Courtney Stodden article - at first I thought her boobs were the nuns - because they were partially covered in black? I didn't even notice the nuns in the background, who were probably saying, "Oh, yeah, she's 19. And I'm Mother Fucking Theresa."
This falls way, way down below "subsidized child care" and "paid maternity/paternity leave" as reproductive policy priorities in my book.
Oh Ke$ha, aren't everyone's vaginas haunted in some way by the ghosts of dicks past?
Nope, the 50 Shades books are erotic romance. Ulitmately, the point of the story is the romance, the relationship that develops between the lead characters. Erotic romance uses sex as a driving force of the plot, but the relationship is what the story's about.
As long as they aren't showing a real penis going into a…
He was Not Good at that, it was kinda sad, really. He has an okay voice for pop music, but it was painfully obvious that it hadn't been trained for something as intense as Les Mis, especially during 'Empty Chairs...'