WHAT?! Is that true?! I could see Susan as Melissa's mother, but her grandmother?! Did she give birth to an eighth-month pregnant adult woman?
WHAT?! Is that true?! I could see Susan as Melissa's mother, but her grandmother?! Did she give birth to an eighth-month pregnant adult woman?
Not disagreeing, just trying to give a little context to those who might not get it.
It's a line from a very famous Beyoncé song, so she's referencing that.
Wait. Wait. Wait. Bobby Finger is writing for Jezebel now?! I love you on Twitter (especially when you go back and forth with my all-time Gawker Media fav Richard Lawson)! It's nice to see you here!
This is a good choice!
I mean, it doesn't really bother me or anything, though it is admittedly confusing.
Ha, do you know how many times I've read one of "my" comments, and only realized it was actually you embarrassingly late?
I did that back in the day too!
That's because Stella suuuuuuuuuuccckked. I mean, to each his own and all of that, but those dudes suuuuuucck. They've never made me laugh (Wet Hot American Summer being the exception).
Yeah, Ari Shaffir called this lady out by her first and last name on a publicized special on Comedy Central, calling her annoying and smelly while making fun of her disability. She made a joke about a dude with a small dick surrounded by self-deprecating humor. Not even close to the same.
I am so confused right now. Even if this lady is the most annoying person on the planet, why did he have to identify her by first and last name? What is the context for the "joke"? Is the bit a normal part of his routine? This is all so weird to me.
I know no one cares, but no one from NY would consider Newtonville "way the hell upstate". It's in Albany for Pete's sake!
Would just like to second that you do indeed have a great butt. I'm jeal.
This is awesome! I love little kids who make me feel like shit about what I'm doing with my life. Good for her and for her parents for encouraging her to be all of this at such a young age.
Well, I can appreciate that, but I disagree. Different strokes!
One of my proudest accomplishments in life is sitting next to her on the A train in 2010. I didn't know she was fired from SNL yet or else I might have told her it was bullshit. Instead I just stared straight ahead and wondered if I'd remembered to put on deodorant.
And I just don't understand the need to knock her up and try to marry her off.
This is me and Jon Hamm.
I truly believe that the Kardashians will have a very long lasting impact on popular culture. They changed the fucking game.