
Are you my dad? This is also his personal philosophy.

My favorite is:

Fucking beautiful.

Honestly? I thought that you were referring to Kanye's "artistry", and that really annoyed me because this:

I legit laughed out loud.

Ooh, is this the 2015 "Rap isn't real music"?! I thought that died in the 90s, but of course there are white people are still trying to delegitimize black music. I love your choice of "artistry" to represent "what I like".

25 years from now we'll still be talking about Kanye and his music. Beck will be remembered as that Scientologist who inexplicably beat Beyonce for Album of the Year in 2015, when even the whitest among us were saying "Wait, Beck is still a thing?".

I always wondered why Jezebel had a reputation for being full of hypocrites. Here I've been defending us, and it turns out you and at least 57 others are the reason.

Stole? That seems unfair.

Don't feel bad, please. Many of us have experienced the "Don't worry, don't come, everything is ok" speech only to lose that loved one shortly thereafter, and I doubt many hold on to any resentment or anger. Death is so complicated, no one does it "right".

Any celebrity looks bad depending on the power of the microscope you're using, so unless there's some secret criminal activity you're privy to, I doubt there's anything else I could learn about the Kardashians that would make me even consider changing my position.

The Kardashians are just trashy...

It's the whole "I don't like it" thing that really bothers me. Mindy didn't do anything political, why are you taking a stand? Are you that self-involved that you can't see your personal preferences aren't supportive enough to withstand your soapbox?

You've lost respect for Mindy for having a Kardashian on her show, in which she plays a pop-culture obsessed woman in her 30s, despite the fact that a pop-culture obsessed woman in her 30s would definitely jump at the chance to meet a Kardashian? Seems very strange to me.

Fucking THANK YOU. Like have you people actually seen this show? A Kardashian makes perfect sense.

We are all the simpletons.

It's so weird because I think of like J. Crew and Ann Taylor Loft type stores when I think of Gap's competition, but I think they think their competition is H&M. But Gap has the audacity to charge the prices of the former for the shitty quality of the latter and that's seriously starting to piss me off.

Rockin' a 00 over here and laughing my normally size 4-6 ass off about it!

I'm pretty sure there is some type of denim jacket for sale at all times at every Gap, which is really weird considering they go decidedly out of fashion from time to time.
